Flat earth (and conspiracy theories in general)

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Now listen, I believe in aliens.

Does it make me insane like all the conspiracy theorists?

Not really, because my theory has a way better basis.

I believe in aliens because the universe is WAY bigger than our solar system.

So what if I believe their might be something like us?

It's probably not true.

I doubt they will be advanced enough to come here.

They could even be some little bacteria inside some dirt.

Now let's get to another topic.

Time travel, people believe in that?

No way it's possible.

Not in 2364.

Not in the year 5000.

Nope, none of that.

In cartoons and movies time travel usually works like this.

You turn some dial to a certain year, get in a machine and zip to that period in time.

But the thing is, time has existed since, well, the beginning of time.

And the beginning of time happened during the big bang.

And the big bang was the beginning of existence.

What I'm trying to say is, Time is not meant be kept track of.

Time is only something that happens.

You can't just go to some point in time by clicking a number.

That would never work.

Some other civilization might have an entirely different way of keeping track of time.

They might not even keep track of time at all!

We will never harness the power of time. EVER.

Ok lets talk about the "Australia isn't real"conspiracy

Of course it's real.

Why would anyone ever think Australia is fake?

That's stupid, they're stupid for thinking that.

Australia is an entire continent.

24.99 million People live in Australia.

The theory says that everyone who lives in Australia is an actor.

There are 1.3 million actors in the world (including professionals and bad actors)

If you couldn't tell, that's way less than the amount of people who live in Australia.

Even if they were right, and they did have enough actors (which they don't)

The British government would have to pay people to live the rest of their lives in Australia and never see their families again. 1.3 million people

Hey, that sounds like something that would happen against their will!

If I were told to give up my entire life to live on this continent which had millions of years to grow these disgusting animals into ravenous, poisonous beasts, I would never do it.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories surrounding 5G towers.

The dumbest one says that Covid-19 was caused by the towers.

The theorists say that the towers and the virus could be connected because 5G towers were installed in Wuhan china a few weeks before the pandemic.

That's stupid, they're stupid for thinking that.

What is the tower going to do, spray you with virus air?

Those losers need to shut up and get a life.

Finally, the ultimate conspiracy theory, the earth is flat.

Conspiracy theorists are stubborn people.

You could say to them "The earth can't be flat we have pictures of the earth from nasa."

And then they'll say "Well those pictures are fake because they don't have the technology to go to space."

They are stubborn people.

We can respect them for what they do.

They fight for what they believe in.

Granted, what they believe in is bogus, and I'm one of the people who are fighting against what they believe in.

People who believe in a flat earth are dumb.

They think that earth isn't even a planet.

They even say there is an anti-moon that "obscures the planet during lunar eclipses."

They think gravity doesn't exist, and whenever something looks like it's going down, the earth disc is going up.

First, that would throw the earth out of orbit in the first 2 years.

Second, do they believe in orbit?

Third, no that's stupid, they're stupid for thinking that.

flat earthers (and conspiracy theories in general)Where stories live. Discover now