Chapter 1 : Games by Firelight

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The Fire Demon stalked across the battlefield slaying all who dared stand against it. The last brave dwarves struggled to beat back the never-ending tide of orcs intent on claiming the Great Jewel for their own. The Dwarven king rallied his troops for the final charge and...

"It's five to five F time to stop"

"But daaaaaad...... the dwarves are about to be crushed by the orc horde"

"Aren't you the dwarves"

"Yes, but-"

"Jace's mum will be here shortly and you know how she likes him to be ready"

"Okay" said Faren forlornly

"Remember, you're going to Sylvia's tonight, you don't want to be too late to watch a film do you"

"No dad I don't"

Faren's dad walked off satisfied that the conversation hadn't turned into an argument.

"Well Jace" sighed Faren "looks like you've won." Jace surveyed the table then said calmly

"I don't think with 12 dwarves you could've clawed that one back."

"I guess I couldn't've – it was fun though"

"Indeed it was"

There was a moment of silence before Jace said "I guess that we'd better clear this up then"

"It would be a good idea."

10 minutes after they were stood in the doorway, all of Jace's miniatures safely stored in their case . A moment later they heard the sound of a car coming down the drive, it was Jace's mum. She stepped out and started toward them calling out a cheerful hello. Faren's dad responded in a tone of subtle boredom.

"How was he?" she asked politely.

"Oh he was great" responded Faren's dad "but from what I gather they didn't finish."

"Do they ever?"

They loaded the cases into the boot of the car and as they drove off, Faren shouted a final farewell before heading in.

"Did you enjoy it?" asked David (Faren's dad)

"Yeah" replied Faren "it was good."

"You'd better start packing for Sylvia's otherwise we'll be late"

Half an hour later Faren and his stuff were bundled into his dad's luminous green transit. Nobody knew quite why he got luminous green, only that he got luminous green. Some say that it was because he wanted a stealth car or that it was on offer at 1 for the price of none; all Faren knew was that it was luminous green.


Sylvia paced back and forth upon her floor pondering the events of the previous afternoon. How did that boy, who had no previous experience, become such an amazing kisser? She paced about thinking for a while and settling finally, exhausted from thinking, in a chair beside the window. A short while later there was a knock on her front door and her mother called for her to answer it. On the way down the stairs, she remembered that Farren was coming over that night. With a smile creeping across her face she opened the door to see Faren waiting expectantly for her. They launched into a passionate embrace before Sylvia offered to take his bags upstairs. He politely refused saying that he would rather injure his own back carrying them than have her injure hers. Whilst their parents chatted on the doorstep, the two of them crept upstairs to Sylvia's room closing the door gently once inside.

"How has your day been?" asked Faren once he had found a seat.

" It has been tortuous without you," replied Sylvia. She edged along the bed to sit next to him, their bodies nearly touching.

"I bet it wasn't that bad" teased Faren taking her hand in his.

"Well not that bad, but it was very boring before you arrived.

"What about school?" Faren asked a hint of teasing in his voice.

"That, was great; how did you become such a great kisser?"

"I learnt quickly" he said turning to look her in the eyes.

Two seconds later she was on top of him, their lips locked, their hands pulling them closer together. She could feel his groin pushing against hers straining through his jeans. After a couple of minutes the call for tea separated them and they headed downstairs their arms entwined around each others waists.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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