In the van part.2

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Norman called Salma ,Salma is Norman's other friend  he called her because she could tell us about where the witches grave is but it was hard and finally she told us she said "it's at the town hall in the library" so we drove there and we made it to the town but we was having a scary ride cause the zombie came in the van!. "AHHH!" Everyone screamed,we nearly hit Norman's drama teacher but we turned over and nearly hit a car it looked like Normas parents were in there (my parents were out to) "where do we go?!" I asked but then we was tumbling down a part of the road and I don't know how but the van landed safely. "Oh my god" I said "I think I'm gonna be sick"Courtney said "that was crazy" Neil said. Alvin had the zombie's arm that fell of but the arm poked him in the eyes.

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