Thinking of Someone Else

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Gladys looked at David's bare chest, but noticed faint stubbles of hair growing. "Do you shave your chest?"

"You don't understand," David whispered, "I'm a competitive swimmer." She grabbed his face with a lustful force, and pressed it to hers.

"Well, you're in luck. Mama loves her an athletic man." David's brown eyes met hers, and they passionately kissed.

Gladys maneuvered her hand down to David's pants, and slipped her hand into his underwear. She cupped his ballsack in her hand, and began to massage it. David ripped his lips from hers, and moaned into her ear. She smiled. Just as she had expected, his balls were as hairless as a sphynx cat. She moved her hand up his shaft to feel his swelling, massive erection.

"Gladys," he pleaded, "I can't see."

"What do you mean?"

"My glasses," he said in a panic.

"What about your glasses?"

"It's getting too hot in here, I'm getting steamy glasses."

"Here," she said with a smile, "I'll open a window."

When she turned back around she saw David, completely naked, penis in hand.


Upstairs, everyone was chatting. "What could they be doing down there?" Lily inquired.

"Gladys has never kissed a boy before. And David is like, three years old." Jen pointed out, "They probably found a game of Candy Land down there, and are trying to see who will get to the Candy Castle first."

"How long has it been?" asked Maria.

Adrian pulled out his special Mario watch. "Sixteen minutes, fifty eight seconds".

Suddenly, they all heard a bang come from the basement.

"Gladys!" yelled Maria, opening the basement door. Everyone ran downstairs to find Gladys, cross-armed and naked, standing above David, who was face down on the floor, covering his head in obvious fear.

"What happened?!" yelled Adrian.

"We were doing anal, and he -" Gladys started to cry, "he called me Mrs. Tan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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