~ 1.25 ~ Awaken

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'What happend?' he asks shocked. I can see what he looks like, now that the guy is closer to me. He has short, brown hair that looks a bit messy. He has a black backpack on his back with something pointy sticking out of it. He looks at me and I quickly look away. I get a bit nervous, even though I don't know why.

'I don't know,' I say. My panic slowly fades, because he comforts me. He frowns.

'You don't know what happend?' He looks at me in disbelief, which is probably the same way I looked when I realised that I didn't know anything. I try to think back to what happened before I woke up here, but everything is dark. I look at the ground and shake my head, but this makes my head pound loudly, which makes me cringe.

'Are you okay? You're bleeding,' he asks me concerned when he sees it.

'Not really,' I tell him. 'I can't remember anything.' Why are all my memories gone? I start to get anxious again. What can I do? Where can I go?

'Wait, nothing at all? What's your name?' He asks, but I of course do not know the answer to that. He stil looks shocked. I shake my head. Then he seems to think of something.

'You probably don't know where you live either, right? I'll ask if my mom can pick us up.' He must have noticed my panic. 'She is a doctor, so she can help you with that.' He points at my forehead.

'Thanks,' I say and sigh in relief. He looks at me, but it's too dark to see what colour his eyes are. I quickly look away.

Then I realise something. How is he going to ask it? I look around, but I still don't see anyone. In the mean time he has sat down next to me and it didn't seem like he thought it was a problem, so I just left it.

'My name is Jonas by the way.' I smile at him. Jonas puts his bag on his lap and opens it. The pointy thing that sticks out looks like a bow. Does he have a bow and arrow with him?

Then I look at the weird thing that he arrived on. It's lying on the grass on the other side of the path. I can't see it very well, but it has a very complicated structure. I can no longer curb my curiosity.

'What's that?' I say while pointing towards the thing. Jonas looks up, then frowns.

'Uhm, my bike,' he replies. He almost said "duh" at the end.

'But, where do you use it for?' I ask. He chuckles and looks confused at me. His expression makes me feel like I'm supposed to know this, but I don't. I blush a little.

'Cycling obviously,' he says. 'Or did you also forget that?' He laughs and looks away to look for something in his bag. He pulls out a strange rectangular device. I stay silent, not knowing what to answer, while he distracts me with the device that lit up after he pressed a button. I look startled by the thing. I didn't see that coming. How is that possible? I have never seen anything like it, for as far as I remember. He presses it some more and them holds it against his ear. What is he going to do with that? I watch him fascinated while he is silent for a few seconds.

'Hi, it's Jonas,' he says out of nowhere. But why? I already know that his name is Jonas.

'What do you mean?' I ask him, but he ignores me and continues.

'I'm in the park near archery, but I ran into a girl who is injured. She has a wound on her forehead and cannot remember anything. Can you come and pick us up?' Why does he a of a sudden say this? I already know that.

'Alright, see you soon,' he says. I don't say anything, because I really don't understand what he means anymore. Jonas puts the rectangular thing back in his bag and turns to me.

'My mom will be here in twenty minutes.'

'What?' I immediately ask. How does he know? He looks confused at me.

'I don't understand what you mean,' I tell him.

'I just called my mom and she said that she will be here in twenty minutes.' He laughs at me, but quickly realises what's going on.

'Oh, you also don't know what a phone is,' he says and shows me his "phone".

I have so many questions, but when I open my mouth to ask what it means, no air comes out. I suddenly get dizzy and I can hardly breathe, as if someone squeeze my throat. It makes me cough heavily and gasp while my head is pounding like it's going to explode. My vision gets blurry and I hear Jonas say something, but I can't understand him. Then I don't see anything anymore.

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