Chapter 2

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"Don't get cocky because those Galley-La bastards cover your ass all the time."
"I don't need anyone to cover my ass. I would be ready for it, if you're man enough to fight me."
I yelled out at him angered by the mentality and his words.
"You? Fight? Me?"
He burst into a round of laughter.
"Fine. I'll give you a chance. I'll show you what strength means."
He looked at me and threw me into the wall in front. I landed forehead first and it started bleeding.
"That's what you got?! Feels like an ant stung me."
He threw a punch at me. I stood up my back facing him. He charged towards me throwing a punch. I slightly shifted my neck to the side and avoided it. I blocked the punch with my palm, grabbed his hand and pulled him forward. I held on to his neck and banged his head into the wall.
I held on to his collar.
"What did you say your bounty was? I happen to be in need of some quick money right now."
I picked his leg up and dragged him along.
"Can't you guys ever just accept tha-"
My head was suddenly hit by something.
"How dare you do something like that to our boss?!"
"What can I do?! Your boss is a pansy!"
I turned around to look at them. It was a crowd, rather an entire mob of angry subordinates.
"Oh, seems like it will be an excercise. It has been a while."
I dropped the boss's leg and he laid there on the floor.
"So, you coming all at once or one by one?"
I smirked at them.
"Don't move, idiots. Any of you. I will be the one to kill this bastard."
The boys said slithering and struggling to get up from the ground.
"You'll regret every bit of this."
"Oh? Seems like you can still stand. Im glad. Please show me a man's strength."
She bowed to him as he managed to stand up in front of her. She could see the rage in his eyes. She didn't want to hurt him. She didn't like getting violent at all, but he was the same guy who kept troubling the lady Paulie always gave his money to.
"Why do you always cause this much trouble?"
She calmly asked him dogding his punches.
"All I want is for you guys to treat me like Paulie, Lulu, Tilestone and every other shipwright in Water 7. How hard is that to do?!"
She continued.
"Damn woman! Mocking me!"
"I'm not! I'm just asking you a question tha-"
He finally landed a punch on her face.
"Okay. That's it. Now you've gone far enough."
She kicked him with her heels causing a bleed in his face.
"Seriously, we're just as capable as men are!"
She punched him in the gut.
"I'm gonna pound it in you until you can accept that."
"A woman is supposed to be at a man's feet."
This comment enraged her even further.
"Have you... Just decided... To keep... Believing that?"
She continued punching him as he fell down and stood back up each time.
"Don't get cocky because you landed a few hits."
He grabbed her hand and twisted it, making her fall.
"Women were always be meant to serve men. That's why they are weaker."
He stepped on her hand bending her elbow in reverse way.
"You will know better than to disrespect a man after this."
"Do all of this and still call yourself a man?"
She let out scattered winces and groans.
"You will talk only when talked to."
He grabbed her neck and lifted her by the neck. She kicked his face and tried to run away, but could she run away from so many people in her condition?
"She's just a puny arrogant woman! Find her!"
"Somehow, if I can manage to get in touch with Paulie."
She thought to herself as she sat down in the alley, still panting from the running.
"Oi! She's here!"
Her short breather was over even before it had started. She ran to the top of a building and jumped from rooftop to rooftop.
"Paulie, just reach Paulie somehow."
Her sides were hurting, blood still dropping from the elbow.
Her foot slipped but she managed to get onto one of the water channels of the city. She boarded a yagara along with some people, hiding for a while.
"Didn't know you were so eager to come back to us that you yourself jumped on to the Yagara, Nuha-san."
Her eyes widened, movement froze as soon as she heard those words.
She jumped off the Yagara but the flow led her straight back to where she had started.
"Paulie... Just somehow reach... Paulie..."
Her vision became hazy looking at the familiar scene and her breaths became shorter.
"I can't believe it. Is this it? WHAT THE HELL?! NO! I CANT GIVE UP LIKE THIS! Ugh... My chest... Just gotta get to Paulie somehow."
Her thoughts faded while she struggled to stand up on her legs.
"Not running anymore. I see."
She heard a familiar voice before.
She couldn't even feel the pain in her arm anymore.
"Can't... Fall... Stay...awa...awake... Can't... Fa-"
"This is what women get when they oppose men! Men like me!"
He cackled which was the last thing she heard.
"What the hell is going on?! This isn't the docks... Oh yeah. I've been kidnapped. I have to return quickly. What the- My hands are tied? The hell?"
"Oi oi! Do you think she's dead? It's been hours and she hasn't even moved yet."
"Who cares even if she is dead?!"
"It will be a problem for us if she's dead."
"What do we do?!"
"Should we tell Boss about this?!"
"Baka! What are you saying?! If Boss finds out that we were worried about something like this, our lives won't be ours anymore."
"What the hell even is that conversation... Nevermind. This isn't the time for that... Min... d is fu... zzy... Can't thi... nk..."
"-iots! I need her to be alive! We're going to put her up as an example! Make sure she's alive!"
She heard him yell. She felt people poking at her face. She heard noises in the middle while she didn't hear some. Vision was hazy but she couldn't afford to open her eyes. She couldn't feel anything on one of her hands.
"Oi Woman! You think you can deceive me by pretending to be dead!"
He punched her in the gut causing her to open her eyes and cough up blood.
"Wake up!"
He slapped her across the face. His own subordinates turned their faces away.
"I said wake up!"
He again punched her and kneed her in the gut.
"Paulie... Got..ta reach... Paulie... Got... ta... Run..."
"You will get what you deserve. It's almost night anyway now. Galley-La will be awaiting a nice surprise tomorrow morning."
He cackled as he casually kicked and punched her around like a punching bag.

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