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It was Saturday , oh how I love Saturdays there like free ice cream on a hot summers day, there fun but they don't last forever because Sunday comes and Sunday's the tiny bit of ice cream at the bottom of the cone that's fun while its there but when its gone you have to continue with life ever so quickly. But this Saturday was different I don't know why it felt different it almost felt like something major had happened like a loss of something or someone , I was pulled out of my thoughts when Katy came though the door,

'' hey Michael, what you doing ?'' she asked while scanning through the mail 

'' watching game of thrones , wanna watch with me?''

'' no its fine thanks I have shopping to continue , oh how I hate shopping'' she sighed 

'' I could join you if you want I've seen this episode a few times now I know what happens in it'' 

'' yeah would you please it would be nice , and hey you never know you may see some cute guy while shopping'' she joked , we joke about this all the time I'm hopeless at finding some one or even flirting , I'm so bad its funny.

'' oh yeah you have mail Michael , most them look like Spam mail but there's a hand written one, it looks fancy'' she said handing it to me,

'' thanks, give us a minute ill go put my shoes on and check this letter while I'm at it'' I said walking away I heard her hum a response, she was probably checking the bills .

I got into my room and sat on my bed, Katy was right this letter did look fancy , I opened the letter it said 

Dear Michael, 

                 I  know you haven't seen , let alone spoken to you're parents in years , but I'm sorry to tell you they got into a horrible car accident ,  oh how you know they love the country but its terrible for hills, they where driving on a hill and they tried to avoid a deer and you're dad swerved wrong and they went down the hill , you're dad died on impact and you're mums in a terrible coma and the doctors say she probably wont survive , I am writing to ask if you could see you're mother in hospital because if she wakes up she will have a better chance of survival , so could you please , if you can I will meet you on Saturday the 19th of November, at the university collage hospital at 1:00pm 

   yours sincerely 


it took me a second to take in what I had just read my dad was dead and my mum was in a coma , I mean they never liked me they preferred my older brother and then when I came out that made things worse but for one of them to be dead and the other so close to death, it scared me the fact id never see my dad anymore  , what  scared me more was the fact id have to see my mother lying lifeless in a hospital bed in a hour , seeing as it was 12 and I wanted to see my mother in case she doesn't wake up I don't want to leave it on words of anger. I put my shoes on and ran to Katy and thrust the letter in her hands she skimmed over it, by what I could tell anyway, she looked at me with pure sorrow in her eyes, I felt bad for her because she was close to my mum they just seemed to click but when I got kicked out they lost contact so I can only imagine how hard this is for her. She just looked at me and lead me to the car not saying a word , that's when I started to feel extremely guilty. the car ride was awkward and uncomfortable , I couldn't take it anymore I spoke up; 

''I'm sorry'' I said barely audible, she turned to look at me and shook her head 

''no don't be Michael I should be its you're mum and dad not mine , I'm being selfish Michael I should be the one who's saying sorry not you''  she said with out taking her eyes off the road ahead of us 

'' no Katy I should , yes they where my parents and I'm there flesh and blood but you had such a better bond with them , they loved you like a daughter , where as with me I felt like I was a mistake at times with them and as I got older it didn't bother me that's why when I got kicked out I wasn't bothered I saw it coming , so don't you dare think you're being selfish because you where more of a daughter to them than I was a son.'' I explained

I watched her wipe a tear away from her eye as we turned into the hospitals car-park , she drove up to the 5th floor , parked it and got out , I got out and as soon as I did I was pulled into a hug and as she pulled me into the hug she whispered in my ear :

  '' Don't you ever dare think you where a mistake to them they loved you so much Michael , okay?''    I nodded against her shoulder   as she continued, '' good now lets go see her and hope for the best.'' she said while letting go of me and walking towards the lift. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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