A New Beginning

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Hello, it's a new story I've looked around for a good Cal and Merrin story and didn't find anything so why not make my own? Because I feel like Cal and Merrin have a lot of chemistry and relate to each other. Anyway on to the story The Force Between Us. Plus if you haven't beaten Fallen order DO NOT READ UNTIL YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bold = narrator

thinking = Any character

normal ="Talking out loud in Quotes "

Once Cal Destroyed the Holocron, they got an indication from the mantis needing fuel. "So where to now?" said Cal " Looks like we have our answer," said Greez. "Oh hey kid why don't you go get some rest for that wound?" suggested Greez. "I agree," said Cere. "Yeah your probably right." As Cal grins. Now finally feeling how much pain he is in from his quick movements. He struggles to get up on his left side. Until he feels a weight take his arm. "Thank you again, Merrin" States Cal "your welcome Cal," She replies with a small smile. "Oh wow, Cal is so muscular under his clothing no wonder he's good at climbing," Merrin says to herself admiring the newly Jedi knight. As the two go to Cal's meditation spot, Merrin asks " What's it like meditating?" Merrin asks Curiously. " Well, it's like letting go of any and all things around you and just focus on the force," Cal Answers back. Now at his cot, Merrin helps Cal lay down as she just looks into his eyes as he adjusts to get Comfortable to rest not in pain. " Ummm Merrin you okay?" Cal asks " quickly realizing that she just got caught staring at Cal for no reason at all. " don't worry Merrin I get it." said Cal "you do?" Merrin asks questioningly, "yeah your just worried that I don't hurt myself. " Cal said. "Beep woo," Bd said "huh you're crazy Bd, Right Merrin. Merrin?" Cal Looks back and forth and doesn't see Merrin. She is now in her room blushing and cursing at herself in Dathomieran.

Sometime later Cal Falls asleep and is shifting in his sleep but yet lifting items around him unknowingly until they just come crashing down. Cal wakes up in a panic. Breathing hard, "Focus, it was just a dream, None of that was real." Cal said to himself, calming his breathing. "Booweop, boop." Bd asks Cal, " Yeah I'm ok Bd thanks for asking it was just a dream." Cal decided to stretch his leg a little before resting up a bit more. Cal slowly rose from his cot and went to go get a drink from the kitchen. When Cal arrived he saw Cere slowly examining her old instrument. "You still willing to teach me that Cere?" Cal asks. Cere smirks then said, "I can't believe you remember that Cal." She says surprised. "Sure I'll teach you, but not right now right now you should be resting because of that wound." "Yeah I will I'm just grabbing something to drink is all," Cal replied.

Once Cal got back to his cot his mind just became restless and he figured he would clear his head by meditating. So Cal bent down and got on his knees. He opened his eyes to an empty room mirroring one of the Zeffo tomes. Cal stood up and walked around the room until a person he recognized as Merrin. "Hey Merrin, what are you doing here?" "....." No reply. "Merrin, you alright?" Cal asked with concern. "Why? Why did you let this happen, Cal? I cared for you helped you and this is how you repay me?" "Merr-" " Like I would care?" Said a deep voice. Cal looked around and saw no one. Then everything faded away to then come back with Merrin bleeding out on the ground. "Merrin!" Cal yelled as he ran over to her. Cal glanced down at her outstretched hand and noticed a ring on her ring finger on her left hand and he took her hand in hers and he noticed he had a similar ring on his left hand as well.

Cal then jolted up and was trying to regain control of his breathing. Once he did he went to Merrin's room he was just about to knock on the door when he hesitated and remembered the vision of there matching ring's. While standing there Cal didn't notice that Merrin has now opened her door and wondering what Cal was thinking. "Why is Cal here?" She asked herself. Until she remembered yesterday and how she ran away. "Oh no is Cal mad at me?" "umm, Cal? You okay?" Merrin asked the young Jedi knight. Cal proceeded to jump at her statement after getting lost in his mind. "Oh yeah, Merrin I'm okay how did you know I was here?" " I opened my door?" Merrin says utterly confused. " Oh right. Wait what are you doing up this this late? Cal asks. "Umm Cal it's morning?" Merrin says worried about her friend. "Wait what?? How long was I meditating for?" Cal asked himself? "Hey, guys breakfast!" Greez announced.

After that announcement everyone went to grab some food. "Ahh cooking the stuff that brings people together." Everyone turned and looked at Greez. "What?! It's true!" He protested. "Sure Captain whatever you say." Said Cere. Cal and Bd went to the couch along with Merrin. Cal saw Cere's old instrument and decided to play the song the force taught him. "Hmm breakfast and a show too. That's kind of you Cal."Cere said jokingly. "Indeed that is very nice Cal," Merrin said. After Cal finished the song Merrin got lost in her own head about wondering what her dream was about.

2 hours ago

Merrin woke up in a room she did not remember or she tried using her magick to illuminate the surrounding area but nothing happened. Then Merrin felt a sense of relief when she heard Cal's lightsaber activate. "Cal good your here." She said with relief in her voice. Merrin turned to see Cal in the distance struggling to stay upright and Bd is no where to be found. So Merrin was running to Cal when he took his final blaster shot and fell to his knees. Merrin forgot that it was a dream and cast her magick in all directions. To kill whoever hurt Cal. "M-merr *cough*Merrin. Cal said weakly. "Shut up don't talk save your strength." Merrin cut Cal off. Merrin began doing a small ritual that let's one person bare part of the pain of another. Merrin completed the small saying in Dathamerian. Then touched her forehead to his and some of his wounds became her's. "Merrin why?" Cal questioned her. "Because you would do it for me if we were reversed," Merrin said before she fell too. Merrin woke up with her scratches still on her but she then saw Cal again in worse of a state than before. Cal held out his hand to Merrin and in turn, she did too. Then Merrin noticed the rings on her and Cal's finger there rings were copy's except the inlays that was made of Kaber crystal. Just as their hands touched, Merrin woke up.

"Hey, Merrin you okay?" Cal asks. "Boowee boop?" "Yeah you and me both Bd." Cal got closer to Merrin worrying until she shot up out of her seat only collide with Cal's head as well. "Ahh ow, Merrin you okay?" Cal asked while rubbing his head "Hmm, yes I think so." She said while a light pink dusted her cheeks. "What the heck is going on with you two, I mean kid you can evade blasters but not her head?" Greez called out chuckling.

*beep beep* "Oh no that's not good!" Greez said while jogging to the pilot seat. "Greez what is it?" Called Cal. "Sigh nothing to worry about that much just going to be a little bumpy is all. Just an asteroid field, now it was full of a flux wave that would be bad." Greez explained. "Greez I think there's a flux field in the asteroid's!?" Cere said. "Oh no... Kid get on the sensors watch out for stray asteroids. Everyone else grab some seat! Its going to get ruff. 3,2,1 drop out!" As the mantis and her crew faced the flux wave and the asteroids. "Why is this so bad?" Asked Merrin. "Basically if we get hit by one of those we might not make it! So strap in!" Greez said. Now completely focusing on the challenge ahead of them. "Ok kid when I say I want you to drop the scanners, got it?" "But we wont be able to see!?!" " Yeah, but if you want to live you'll kill the scanners, when I say turn it off!" Just then a flux wave was about to hit them. "Kid!!!" "Got it!" The flux wave passed by the mantis, now they needed to get through the asteroids untouched. As Greez was pulling out all the stops and was using every trick he knew. "Come on almost through!" With one last spin, the mantis had made it past the flux wave and asteroids. "Sigh, Made it!" Greez announced. * crash * "Oh no that's not good Kid turn those scanners back on we got to see what that was or this isn't going to be a fun trip!" Greez said, " Ok um it looks like it was just a small asteroid is all." Cal said " Greez I'm picking up some imperial coms what system are we by?" Cere asked. " Nah Shaadah, why!?" Greez replied hesitantly "Because the Imperials are just about to land there from Illum!" Cere said with worry. " Oh great..... ok Kid wanna chance it by landing or try and low profile our way out? Greez asked Cal.

"Let's land, Greez!" Cal said. "Ok kid your choice. However, if I die here I'll haunt you!" Greez said. "Yeah, right Greez." Cal said thinking it was a joke.

Cal and Merrin had similar dreams, then the Mantis possibly damaged forced to land in a city built on crime and gangs. will they make it out or will the empire find them first?

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