we'll be good

287 13 3

more catradora angst (mostly from adora's pov) but also wholesome so idk

"Catra!" Adora called, throwing her pack on the bed and kicking her shoes off. "Catra, you here?"

The lights were on, but no one answered her.

"Hm, guess not." The blonde murmured, letting her hair out and slipping the ponytail holder onto her wrist. She scratched at her scalp, let out a massive yawn, and fell into bed (narrowly dodging her pack). It was only three in the afternoon, but she'd been up since before dawn with no time for a nap. 

Still, the bed was too empty for her to sleep. When she'd originally left the Horde, it had taken her nearly a month to get used to sleeping without Catra curled up at her feet, but now Catra slept next to her and it was impossible to drift off without her comforting presence.

With a groan, Adora rolled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom to run a shower, only for blinding pain to shoot up her leg. "What the fu--"

The mirror was broken, smashed to bits, and pieces of glass decorated the floor. She pulled one such fragment from her foot, grimacing a bit as blood welled from the cut before She-ra's healing powers kicked in. "Damn."

Before the wound had even fully closed, Adora was pulling her socks on, slipping into her boots, and out the door.

She found Glimmer and Bow in the queen's study, looking over a trade agreement from Plumeria. "Have you guys seen Catra anywhere?"

Glimmer looked up. "This morning. She took Melog, said she might be gone for a few days."

"Shit." Adora pressed a hand to her forehead. "Okay, um, did she mention where she was going?"

"Nope," Glimmer furrowed her brow. "This isn't exactly out of the norm though, is something wrong?"

"I don't know yet. Probably." Adora sighed. "I'm going after her. Try not to burn the planet down until we get back."

Bow chuckled.

"Alright," Glimmer hummed, already distracted. 

- -

"There you are."

She found Catra in what had been the Fright Zone (currently known as Bright Gardens), curled in a fetal position in what once had been their old room.

"Go away, Adora."

Catra didn't look up at Adora's approach, even as the blonde sat beside her.

"You and I both know that's not going to happen."

Adora's fingers itched to touch her girlfriend, to comfort her, to ease her pain, but she kept them to herself.


Catra didn't respond, so Adora leaned back on her elbows and waited.

"I saw myself in the mirror this morning," Catra started slowly, claws digging into her arms.

Adora glanced over. "That's kind of how mirrors work, Catra."

Catra didn't laugh (Adora thought it had been a very funny joke). "No, I mean," Her breath sounded shaky. "I saw myself, the way I was in the Horde."

Oh. That was...Oh. Adora pressed her lips together, trying to let Catra get her feelings out before she offered comfort.

"Just for a second, but I--" Catra's voice cracked. "I don't know if it's cause my hair's long again, or a flash, or something. I just panicked. I'm sorry."

Adora rested a hand on her shoulder. "You don't need to apologize to me."

Catra turned her head ever so slightly, offered a watery smile. 

"It's the mirror who deserves an apology." Adora finished, cracking a hopeful grin.

Catra did laugh at that one (not Adora's best work, but it would do). "Yeah, probably." She sniffed and sat up. "I'm not...I'm not ready to go back to Bright Moon just yet."

Adora nodded. "Okay."

They sat in the ruins of their childhood (what little they'd had of one), side by side, fingers intertwined, and at first they were quiet but when the words started they didn't stop.

They talked for hours, about their regrets and triumphs and coping mechanisms and Catra told Adora how she sometimes felt like everyone secretly hated her (she'd ruined their lives time and time again) and Adora listened, and then Adora told Catra how she sometimes felt like no one needed her anymore (the war was over and with it She-ra's purpose) and Catra listened, and they talked about their fondest memories of the Horde, and Shadow Weaver, and it wasn't all bad, right? 

(They talked about, you know, whatever.)

And then the words stopped, but only because they'd said everything they wanted to, and moved on to silence and holding each other.

- -

Two days later, Adora and Catra returned to Bright Moon hand in hand--Adora's hair loose and Catra's up because maybe that would help with the mirrors--comfortable smiles on their faces and quiet laughter following them like a cloud of contentment.

Every now and then, Catra would disappear again, but Adora always knew where to find her, and she always came back.

That was just how they were. They were Horde kids, child soldiers, turned heroes, turned villains, turned people more damaged than most but closer for it. That was Adora and Catra. Catra and Adora. They understood each other. They loved each other.

They always stayed.

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