The Case of Getting Shinsou Hitoshi a Trainer

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"Ren," Izuku coos, peeking into a dark alleyway. "Here, kitty, kitty." He clicks his tongue, searching behind a filthy dumpster. He knew that it was incredibly stupid to go into an alley at night, especially being out so close to the curfew set for minors (he really didn't need any officers or heroes calling his foster guardians), but Izuku wanted to ignore the fact that he was likely to get roughed up when helping Shinsou train, and finding a cute ragdoll cat is a great distraction. The white-furred feline, who luckily has an owner who was smart enough to put a tag with their information on it, has a record of running off to seek more attention. Ren was said to be very affectionate, and often, when their owner was busy or out of the house, would run off to find someone who would pet him. Such a naughty kitty.

Izuku sighs when he doesn't see any white fur, straightening his posture. Looking into an empty alley for a people-loving cat was improbable, but Izuku didn't really know where else to search, considering it was nighttime, and he had already put up a handful of posters. There wasn't much he could do, but he didn't want to spend a lot of time in his lonely apartment, so peering into disgusting alleyways was the next best thing.

He runs a hand through his messy curls, pushing a few strands from his face. He turns to leave the alley when he hears heavy and quick footfalls becoming louder behind him. He whips around to see a burly man running straight towards him.

'Damn, I'm gonna die, right after I make a friend? What a cruel, cruel world we live in.'

Before he could move out of the way, he is forcefully grabbed and yanked into the man's arms. There's a sudden sting at his neck, a rush of heartbeats, and he could feel a trail of warm liquid trail down, which he could safely assume was blood, seeing as how a knife was being held closely at his throat. Not long after he's taken hostage, another figure comes rushing in, who of which Izuku quickly notes to be Eraserhead due to his white scarf and gold eyewear. He freezes when he sees Izuku, giving the criminal time to slightly stammer a demand.

"Sta-stay back!" He shouts, and Izuku loses a bit of breath when the arm holding him tightens. "I'm warnin' ya'! I-I'm not afraid to hurt him!"

While Izuku struggles to get a full breath, he swiftly analyzes the guy's quirk. With a small glance down, he could see that the criminal wasn't holding a knife, rather he was holding a finger-turned-into-a-blade to Izuku, and it was only one finger. The rest of his fingers were normal and not sharp, meaning the guy had the ability to change them into knives or was born with a random blade (ouch). This also meant that there was a chance that his quirk wasn't exactly a set mutant one, and that Eraserhead had a chance of erasing the quirk, and in turn, would leave the guy without a weapon. He could still injure Izuku without one, seeing as how large and muscular he is, but he could do more damage with a knife.

Taking a deep, or as deep as he was allowed, breath, Izuku calls out to the Pro-Hero, "Try erasi―" He's cut off, strangled by a pressure on his airway as he tries to gasp for a good breath, quickly becoming lightheaded. Fortunately, the meaning of his interrupted message makes it, and raven locks of hair rise up into the air, a clear sign of Eraserhead using his quirk. Izuku, fear claiming his mind, shuts his eyes, hearing an incredulous cry behind him and the weight of the knife disappearing. The arm is soon gone, and Izuku is sent forward, landing on all fours as he sucks in air, coughing a bit. Soon as he has caught his breath, he opens his teary eyes and looks back to see Eraserhead tying the man up with his capture scarf.

"Thought Monday was the worst day of the week. The world sure proved me wrong." His voice is raspy, and it didn't feel too nice to talk, but Izuku couldn't help but use sarcastic humor. It was how he coped. Eraserhead doesn't laugh.

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