Death Note

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@MrsLawliet123: Natsu: Would you like a hug? *gives Natsu a hug*
        Happy: and for you a fish *gives fish*
        Ok now I have a question what if lisanna and Lucy both knew where Igneel was but they weren't telling you?

Natsu: They wouldn't do that.

Happy: Aye! They're our friends!

        Ok now my question have you seen Death Note if so would you rather be like Light or L? Same question for Happy :)

Natsu: No I haven't... But I've heard about it. The Light guy kills a lot'a people, right? 'Cause it's his sick sense of justice or somethin'.... And the other guy tries to catch him. So I'd be L!

Happy: I would be Light.

Natsu: EH!?

Happy: Aye! I will be the god of the new world.

Natsu: Uh....

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