5:24 am, Sept. 6

2 0 0

Evan was up early today, worrying about silly things like if his polo had a stain on the hem, and even if it had been there, you couldn't see it. Just like the fact that his khaki pants were exactly 1.2 centimeters too short. Still, he acted like a ticking time bomb. He had combed his hair, kinda, had eaten a breath mint, and had put on extra deodorant because he was sure he'd need it. His shoes were tied, the laces, not the shoes and his backpack was slung over one shoulder casually, it looked casual, right? He was nervous, if you couldn't tell. He was going to have a perfectly normal day, besides the fact he'd have to interact with another human being, and that was terrifying. Jared was one thing, they had known each other for years, they were practically brothers. Connor was another thing entirely. He was a stranger with long hair and a stare that could cut through your soul. While Evan hadn't really paid attention to his appearance since he had been busy with admiring the beautiful ground during both of their talks. Sure, he was tall, dark, and terrifying, but he was Zoe's brother, they couldn't look that different. Evan imagined basically a scary male version of Zoe.

He had gone over every situation that could happen that day and hoped something like this is,

"Hey, Connor," says Evan just being his normal, anxious self.

"Hey, Evan, here's your letter back," says scary guy while handing him the letter.

"Thank you!" Says Evan, taking back the letter.

"You're welcome," scary guy then leaves.

That was what he hoped would happen. Still, it would probably be way worse. He was scared for himself, nervous about seeing Connor, still Connor had been sorta'...nice, as soon as he had asked, Connor had agreed to give it back, being polite about everything. Sure, they had only sent a few messages to each other but maybe he and Connor could become friends. That would be a change, having someone to talk to who wasn't your friend so he didn't have to pay for his own car insurance, someone who talked to you during school just because he wanted to, someone to text about things you need an answer too, something other than, "why would I care?" He felt his face heat up at the thought. He smiled as he exited the room, his mom was already at work,they had been cutting nurse's so she had to take up an extra shift, to show that she was a team player. He could go to school early, or wait till' he usually left. He could text Connor, no, that would make him seem desperate, which he was. He just decided to walk since he had nothing to do.

•••time skip brought by a lazy author•••

     Evan had seen Connor multiple times that day, twice in the hall, and once during lunch. Now, they were both in the computer lab, standing awkwardly next to each other, not a single word being shared. Yeah,you could yeet Evan's former idea out the window, it was a pretty good bad idea, wasn't it though? (Get the reference?) Connor spoke up first, just like he had yesterday,

"So, um, hi Evan, how's it going?" He ran a hand through his hair.

"Hello, Connor, I'm doing fine..." Evan continued to stare at the ground.

"That's... Good. Here's your letter," Connor held out the letter, Evan looked up from the ground and took a moment to get a good look at Connor. Connor was different than he had imagined, he had pale skin, dark brunette hair, a little longer than shoulder length, and his eyes were blue, though the left had a brown streak covering almost half of the iris. It was actually kinda' pretty. Not that Evan thought Connor was pretty! He could think his eyes were pretty without thinking that he was! He wore a dark hoodie, a pair of black torn jeans, and worn out army boots. Evan took the paper, smiling.

"Thank you so much!" He looked into Connor's eyes and grinned. Connor looked away. Of course, he must have seemed too eager.

"You're welcome..." Connor said monotonously. They became silent once more. One of them spoke, but this time it was Evan who spoke,

"Um, n-now that I have your pho-phone number, can I text you?" Connor snickered and Evan blushed in embarrassment.

"Youknowwhat? forgetIsaidanything, I'msorrytothink-" Connor laughed loudly, stopping Evan in his tracks. This laugh wasn't like yesterday, laughing at Evan's cast, no, it was friendlier, if that made sense.

"I'm sorry, what? Of course you can text me, not like I can stop ya'! But if you're asking if we can be friends, we just met, haven't had one conversation that didn't end with me screaming. Why in the world would you want to be friends with me?" He looked with an expectant look.

"Oh....yeah, it was a d-dumb idea, I'm sorry," Evan bit his nails, staring at the ground again.

"No! Don't apologize, I mean, I just think I'd be a bad influence... I'm not exactly bestie' material..." He laughed awkwardly. Evan looked up at him, raising one eyebrow.

"So you will be my friend? Or should I just leave, yeah I probably should, sorry!" He sped away, but Connor grabbed his wrist before he got to far.

"Stop apologizing, I'd like to be your friend, I don't really have one either," Evan grinned and without a second thought, hugged him tightly.

"Thank you!" Evan then ran away, Connor let him this time.

     Evan hurried through the door, smiling like a mad man. A friend! This was a dream, even if it was with the "druggie with anger issues" he couldn't be that bad. He was actually excited! Someone to talk to, sure, not his first choice, but he could do worse. He was so filled with glee that for the rest of the day he had skipped slightly instead of walking. He felt as if he were floating over everyone. No one else mattered, not even Zoe was on his mind, and she almost always was.

(Hope you enjoyed! 1038, not too bad, I honestly have become confused with my own plot, since Connor is supposed to have his flower on the opposite eye, covered by his hair, anime style but once I saw that Connor (mike Faist) had heterochromia, I couldn't help it! So, now i have to find some other spot that's out of sight. *wiggles eyebrows*)

Oh, and please comment, I legit need help...

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