Chapter 11: Cabbage Stew

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Catra POV

"Madam Razz! It's so good to see you! Do you mind if we come in?" Adora smiled, this must be a friend of hers?

"Of course, Mara dear! As soon as you tell me who the lovely girl next to you is!" The woman looked at me, then at Adora, then back at me.

"Madam Razz, this is Catra. She's.... she's traveling with me. We were recently kicked out of Brightmoon, that's why we're here.."

"Ahh, I see. Well Mara dear, feel free to stay for dinner! I'm making cabbage stew and pie for dinner! We can take a walk when we're done!" Madam Razz extended her hand to me, and I reluctantly took it.

'Who the hell is Mara?'

We finished our conversation and Madam Razz made her way to the kitchen area of this little hut. I get up and sit next to Adora who seems a bit remorseful.

"So, we're traveling together?"

Adora bit her lip and sighed. "What are we? We haven't established anything yet. You mean so much to me Catra, I hope you feel the same." She put her hand on my cheek, and I instinctively lean into her hand.

"Adora, I-"

"Dinner is done!" Madam Razz placed a bowl in front of my lap, and a bowl in front of Adora. "Eat up!"

We ate in silence. It's not like I didn't want to say something, but lately it's been harder to put my thoughts into words. It's probably too soon to tell her everything. Adora just looked down at her soup, the spoon twirling around in her fingers. Time seems to last forever when the air is thick with tension. It feels like its been hours, but neither Adora or I have touched the cabbage stew. Adoras face was contoured with confusion, and Madam Razz is slurping out of a big soup spoon. 

'Should I ask her out? No, that'd be cliche as all hell. Maybe tomorrow I'll take her out on a walk and ask her. I mean she left her whole life to be with me, there's no way she'd do that if we were just friends.'

I feel a shove on my shoulder, and realize I spaced out. Adora is looking at me in concern, what do I say? She stood up and extended her hand to me.

"Wanna go for a walk, Catra?"

"..Sure." I grab Adoras hand and stand up. Madam Razz waves from her chair as we head out the door. We walk through the woods, branches snapping and leaves crinkling. We moved tree branches, still hand in hand. We walk for about ten minutes before Adora abruptly stopped. She stays silent for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"Catra, do you love me? I've sacrificed a lot to be with you, yet we haven't even established what we are to each other. I just wanted to ask you in a place with no people, and if you would like to have a romantic relationship with me now is the time to tell me." Adora spoke as if she read from a script, like this was rehearsed.

'Is this a confession or a confrontation because I honestly can't tell-' What the hell, I guess it's now or never. Bracing myself, I take a deep breath and say what comes to mind.

"Adora, I do love you. I've loved you since we were kids. No matter how I try to stop it, when I see you everything bad about my life melts away. My heart races and all I want is to wake up next to you in the mornings, and not sleeping by your feet. I'd love to wake you up with a kiss, or hug you until all of the pain melts away. Yes, Adora I love you. When you said you would leave Brightmoon and all of your friends to be with me, it surprised me. It surprised me because no one else loves me like you do. To answer your question, I'll pose another question." I grab a flower from the bush next to me and hand it to Adora "Will you do me the honor of going out with me?"


This is extremely short I'm sorry but hi!!! I'm sorry I disappeared!! There's a lot going on in the world right now, and my mental health has skyrocketed lower than  originally assumed. I plan on writing more tomorrow but it really depends on if I have class or not. This book is very special to me, but I won't make it a top priority. My priorities are staying safe, school, and staying alive. I've been very stressed but I'll try to write the best of my ability.



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