Chapter 33

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*sash's POV*

Today is the first of December and that means it's only 24 days till Christmas. I'm so excited for it this year because my family while still be here and also the Hemmings family will be here so it will be one big christmas for us.

I was woken up by a little finger poking me in the side.

"Mummy" said the sweetest little voice.

I opened my eyes to find Zoe standing at the side of our bed.

"Morning princess" I said and picked her up and placed her on the bed.

So after Luke woke up as well.

"Morning babe" he said and kisses me I said a quick "morning"back.

Then he said "morning princess" to Zoe and she went and cuddled into him.

"So what is our plan for today my two favourite girlies" Luke said and smiled at the both of us.

"Well as its the first of December I need to start our Christmas shopping so I thought you two can have an uncle and Daddy daughter day" I said and looked at my two favourite people in the inter world.

"That's sounds like a great plan" Luke said and leaned over to kiss me.

We got out of bed and went down stairs to have some breakfast and tell the boys the plan for today.

I decided to text Mali and see if she wanted to join me shopping.


To: Mali xx
From: sash xx

Hey girl are you up for a bit of Christmas shopping??💞💞xxx

From: Mali xx
To: Sash xx

Hey yeah sure I'm up for some christmas shopping be around about 11:30??💞xx

To: Mali xx
From: sash xx

Alright see you then xx

*end of text*

I went up to my bedroom and got ready for my day of Christmas shopping.

I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I got our and blow dried it and then I got changed into my ripped skinny jeans and my obey grey jumper.

I put a little bit of make up on and then I made my way down stairs to wait for Mali to get here.

"Hey babe" Luke said as I walked into the living room.

"Hey" I said giving him a kisses and cuddled into him and Zoe because she still wasn't feeling 100% great.

Soon it turned 11:30 am and Mali nocked at the door.

"Hey come in" I said and stepped a side so I could let her in.

"Hey how's my little niece or nephew doing in there" she said as she came in.

"There good we go for our first scan tomorrow" I said with a big smile on my face.

"That cool you'll have to let me know how it goes" she said and pulled me into a hug.

I went and gave both Luke and Zoe a kiss and said "goodbye" to them both and the boys.

I grabbed my bag and me and Mali made our way to my car.

We got in and stared heading towards the mall.

It took us about 35 minutes to get to the mail we got there and parked the car.

"So who do you need to buy for" Mali said as she opened the mall door for me and let me through.

"I need to get your brother,Luke,Michael,Ashton,Zoe,my family, Yours and Luke's family" I said and we started walking to towards the toys shop for Zoe's presents.

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