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Today i didn't go to school ,i was a little sick so i didn't go .My dad didn't tell me nothing ,he  didn't even ask me how i am but whatever  i am used to it . I really like to read books so i took one of 'em and i was reading .When my little brother came home ,he was crying .

-Why are u crying? -i asked 

-I - i fell to the ground - he said 

-R u sure? - i asked 

- Yeah i am -he said 

-Okay  go to the kitchen and eat - i said 

- I am not hungry -he said 

-But you should eat or u will get sick -i said 

- I told u that i am not hungry -he screamed 

i was suprised 'cause he have never do that before.I left him  alone for a while and then i asked him for what happened  to him today .He said that he was being bullied by Jackson .Jackson...i knew it right him .He is Clay's brother.I said to my little brother to not worry and to be strong .

I was acting like a big and strong big brother but i am not ...If  i would be strong maybe they would not bully me or my little brother. I felt so bad when he told me that he is used to it ....

My dad came home .He didn't eat and didn't speak too . I asked him how he was ,and he didn't answer and he didn't ask me how i was .I felt bad but i didn't told no one about this. I just go to my room and i hit the wall with my hand ,and then i was crying ,i felt so hopeless ... and now i do not know what to feel anymore ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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