Chapter One: The Transferee

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Timothy 🔝


Timothy was raised in a fancy home, with strict rules and has a lot of restraints. He was dealt with a lot of challenges, and he faced them all single-handedly.

His family's staff were all so kind, and he was born with genuine kindness and beauty that his family nearly thought he was an angel.

His older brothers, Gregory, Henry, and Isaac were all affectionate and loved him more than ever. Their mother, sadly died because of breast cancer.

His father was a famous chef, and has his own company launched in many branches for years all across the world. His name is Alfonsó Alvarez.

Alfonsó decided to transfer Timmy into an all boys' school for high school. Ever since he was a child, his father raised him in a tedious and difficult manner. He educated him strictly yet delicately for he is young, and gave him a lot of advices.

Ever since then, he also knew his son was gay.

Based on his observation, when Tim was eight years old, he would stare at a face of a teenage boy with no shirt on for a few hours and his face would shine. But when he looked at a girl with big breasts, he would shake his head in disappointment. Don't worry, Alfonsó taught him about puberty and 18+ stuff.

He would also dress up occasionally in a gown, but that was not a problem for Alfonsó. His son looked amazing as a boy and a girl. When Timmy's older brothers recently knew that Timmy wore a gown, they immediately wanted to see.

"He's so pretty." Isaac stared in awe. His eyes sparkled with adoration as his other brothers also stared ahead. Timmy wore a pink, luxurious gown, diamond heels and a tiara. He also has little make-up on.

"How do I look, big brother?" Timmy asked cutely. Isaac gulped. Gregory was sweating nonstop and Henry just stared but his heart was beating rapidly.

You could say they had a brother-complex.

"Y-you look b-beautiful, little sis—I mean, bro." Isaac stuttered, blushing as Timmy pouted. Gregory agreed and Henry gulped.

"If you can excuse us." Henry said, excusing him and his other brothers—who were flustered by the sight of their little brother.

"He's so adorable, what do we do?!" Isaac exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with love. Gregory agreed. "We have to protect him at all costs." He said, looking like a president who's giving his orders. Henry smiled. "We have to let him go, brothers. He's going to school tomorrow."

Isaac and Gregory gasped. "What?! When?! How?! Why?!" Isaac asked, sweating like bullets from the sight of not seeing his brother.

"The worst part is that he's going to an all boys' school." Henry sighed.

Isaac was fuming with anger and Gregory can't stop hyperventilating. Henry calmed the fuck down of those two and they all just sighed in the end.

"I guess, it's time to let himself free." Gregory said, going to Timmy's bedroom to give him advice.

"You're going to school tomorrow, right?" Gregory asked, watching as his little brother was packing stuff for tomorrow. Timmy smiled and nodded like a kid, making Gregory's heart thump with admiration. "Oh, how can you be so cute?"

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