Cotton Clouds and Violent Trampolines

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A soft murmur passed through the crowd as the girl on stage found herself trapped inside a rather large metal box

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A soft murmur passed through the crowd as the girl on stage found herself trapped inside a rather large metal box. Her screams of terror had them on their feet as a flash of lightning appeared in the left corner of the stage, striking next to the velvet chairs that waited for someone to sit down. "Do not fear," a deep voice shouted through the speakers. It seemed to come from every direction, his voice calling out from the heavens below. He stood high above the crowd on stilts and walked with ease. "I will rescue this fair maiden!" His face, perfectly golden and glittering slightly, was framed by green and blue curls. He gave a boyish grin to the crowd. "It's okay, Cotton!"

"Static! Save me!" Cotton, Static's assistant, pressed herself against the bars, her gold suit glittering beneath the stage lights. Green and yellow flashes consumed her image as the strobes started to go off, flashing violently.

Static ran across the stage dramatically, and just as he was to reach the cage, a man swooped out from the shadows. The sword in the large man's hands glistened as he swung it towards Static. His dark blonde hair fell into his eyes, forcing him to push it back with a thick hand.

"Toby! Back down!" Static shouted, raising his fists as if to fight the lumbering man before her. His sleeves drooped, and everyone in the crowd could see that Toby was more than twice his size. Even with stilts, Static was a waste of energy next to the lumberjack. As if noticing this observation himself, Static reached down to his legs and untied his stilts, jumping off them and landing on the ground like a cat.


Within bare seconds another sword was drawn, that one by Static as he began to fight with Toby. Static's long, thin sword was nothing compared to the larger one, but it was comedic to watch the two. Metal clashed against metal, the sounds are amplified by thunder sounding loudly from outside the large tent. "Hopefully it won't drip again," Toby whispered through his teeth as they begin to get to the middle of the stage.

A pair of boys, hardly nineteen and wearing matching outfits, walked onto the stage. They calmly passed the fighting two, as if they couldn't see a thing. One laughs at the other as the sounds of swords clashing get softer than before.

"Oh, Luke! Did you hear about Cotton?"

"Wasn't she kidnapped?"

Toby hit Static again while the boys talk, causing Static to nearly drop his sword. Cursing in an unknown language, Static swiped at Toby again, this time downing the man.

"Yeah! Jeez, Static's got so many issues." Turning at this comment, Static dropped his sword. His hands glowed green as he held them up, forming a triangle with them. "Oh! Static, what's up-?"

"Luke, John, get down!" Both boys dropped to their knees as a green bolt appeared to fly out of Static's hand.

Cotton screamed and jumped back as it hit the cage, melting the metal that held her hostage. "Shoot! Aim a little better next time?!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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