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Igarashi sat in the restaurant, waiting for his "date". He wondered why he was doing this again, and then he remembered. Serinuma had asked him if he could go to a restaurant with someone she had promised to go with dressed as her. She explained that she couldn't go because she had already planned to spend the day with Nishina. He had asked her why she couldn't ask someone else and she had responded with, "I already made plans to hang out with Nishina, and Shinomiya would never agree to it. Mutsumi would probably blow his cover, so I have no other choice but to ask you,". Iga wouldn't have said yes to this if somebody else had asked, but since it was Serinuma, he just couldn't say no. 

He sat there in his purple wig and tiny dress which was kind of small for him. He looked at himself on his phone camera, he had let Serinuma put makeup on him so that it would look more like her. He saw someone walking towards his table. It was probably Serinuma's date. Iga put his phone away quickly and acted like he hadn't seen anyone coming. He felt someone sit a little bit away from him.

"Hello, Serinuma," the voice was oddly familiar. Igarashi turned around and saw Nanashima sitting there wearing expensive looking clothes. His hair was flipped to one side. Igarashi never thought he'd see the day where Nanashima looked like that. Although he had to admit, he wouldn't have let Nana wear his hair like that if he was his mother.

Wait a second, did Serinuma plan this on purpose? Or did she actually want to spend a whole day with Nishina? Would she go to such levels?

"So, what do you want to eat, Serinuma? Cuz I'm looking at my meal right now," 

excuse me what? He did not just say that. I refuse to believe Nana would say something this disgusting. Although if you really think about it, he probably would've dropped something like that to somebody eventually. But y'know the average human would have guessed it would be to someone he's actually dating. Wait, does he actually think he has a chance with Serinuma? Haha! He wishes.

"Hello? Serinuma, are you ok?" Nana asked, waving his hand in front of Iga's face.

Iga tried to put on the most female sounding voice he could do.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine," that sounded ridiculous. 

"Is your throat ok because you sound a little different,"

"Huh? Yeah just kinda sick," Iga fake coughed.

"Oh ok, so is there anything you wanted to eat?" wait, he seriously believed me?

"Uh... I'll take this," Iga pointed to a random thing on the menu.

"Ok. I'll pay for all the food," at least I get free food.

All they did was talk about random things and eat food. Iga was surprised that Nana could actually keep his distance. He would have agreed to this earlier if he knew who it was. Nana was hard competition and Iga had to make sure he was kept at a distance where he didn't do anything stupid. 

"Hey, Serinuma, you said that you would help me study if I needed help with anything, and honestly I didn't wanna ask but can you please help me?" 

Oh, so this is why he didn't try anything before. He was planning to make a move at his house, wasn't he?  I should just say no. Wait, but what would Serinuma say? She would probably say yes. I just wanted to go home, but I guess I don't have a choice now.



They had arrived at Nana's house and were now sitting at his desk. Iga was trying to teach Nana the best he could but honestly he wasn't too good at this subject either. 

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