Little Neglects

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Its a week before the students graduated, the relationship between the pink girl and the two-colored hair boy is still a total secret, largely because they knew how to hide and be alone together, and that the rest of the class would never expect anything between them

But ... With the passage of time they began to have little neglects that almost reveal their relation, such as:

One day Uraraka and Tsuyu have to do a homework with Mina and they decided to meet in Mina's room, there was nothing strange until then, they were working, but it was when they noticed some plates of food that were on a table

- ¿Did you eat here last night Mina? - Tsuyu asked looking at the dishes

- Y-Yes, i was a little hungry - Mina said picking up the plates, which still had some food

- ¿Is that soba?

- Y-Yes, I like soba

- But ... ¿Why 2 plates?

- I was very hungry and I served myself twice - Mina was already getting nervous, she didn't know what else to use as an excuse

- ¿Wouldn't it have been easier to use the same pla ...?

She couldn't finish because Mina left the room quickly and left the dishes in the kitchen

- That was close

Another day...

Shoto was in the locker room with the boys for a workout, when suddenly something fell out of Shoto's backpack and everyone was watching this object

- ¿Is that a makeup box?

Shoto opened his eyes when everyone discovered what the object was, it turns out that Shoto accidentally spilled water on Mina's makeup that same morning without her knowing, and went to buy her more to replace it before she discover it, and he keep it in his bag

- ¿Why do you have this Todoroki? - Midoriya asked grabbing the box

- ¿Are you trying to hide your scar? - Asked Kaminari

- It's not that...

They all stared at him, but luckily he had an idea

- I-It's for my sister, today is her birthday and that's her gift

- That makes sense - Almost everyone said

After that, Shoto had to make a detour and go to the city center to make them believe what he said, but ...

His phone rang and he saw a message saying: "¡¡¡¿WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MAKEUP?!!!" Shoto gulped after seeing the message.

- I have a bad feeling

Seeing Mina angry was something he didn't wish for anyone

Another day...

It was 08 a.m. , Uraraka and Momo were brushing their teeth in the bathroom, seconds later Mina arrived ...

Her hair was a bit tangled and she was wearing a very peculiar jacket, she was too tired to realize that she was wearing it and she greeted her friends, who noticed the jacket, but did not remember where they had seen it.

- Good morning Mina - They both said

- Morning - Said the Pink girl grabbing her toothbrush and began to brush them

They both stared at the jacket, they were sure they had seen it before

- ¿Is that jacket new Mina? - Asked Uraraka approaching her

- I'm sure I've seen it before - Momo said

Mina spat and realized she was using it.

It was the jacket of Shoto's hero suit, the day before they decided to go to the cinema, but like it was very cold, Shoto gave it to her and she slept with the jacket on

- I bought it yesterday - Mina said between stutters - It was on sale in the store and I really liked it

Another day...

They were gathered watching a horror movie, every Friday they met to do it as one of the last activities they would do together, everyone was gathered, even Bakugo was there

While watching the movie, a scene came out that made almost everyone scream, especially the girls

On impulse Mina hug Shoto in front of everyone and he pat and caress her hair.

- There there, calm down

Many of them knew that Mina was very scary and hugged someone when she was scared, so it seemed normal to them, what seemed strange to them was that Shoto follow her the game and tried to calm her, in general he was very serious in those cases and did not do nothing

But they did not give it that much importance and they continued to watch the film with peace of mind

There were more neglects, but they went unnoticed by everyone:

That there were clothe of both of them in each other's rooms

That Shoto once had lipstick on his neck and various parts of his face and chest and everyone thought it was an allergy

That once they both went down to eat something at 03 a.m. and there were some of the boys playing on the first floor with a board game, but they thought it was a coincidence

This was her secret relationship until her graduation day

Pink and Bicolor Love - Mina Ashido x Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now