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Bryan stired in his sleep, mumbling, tosing and turning. Until eventually woke.

He slowly opened his eyes but quickly shut them as they began to sting. He hissed as his retinas got use to the pain. He layed his arm upon his forehead as it made a formilar sound. Not of bone creeking or creaking but of metal too rusty to move.

" How...long was i out?" Bryan whispered grogier than normal as if he hadn't slept at all. He turned his head, but to no avail of finding a clock. He groaned as he tried to lift his upper half as his legs refused to move first.

"Ok...washing might help" he planned to splash his face to clear his tiredness. He moved his legs from under the covers, they creecked as slight pain shot through him. "Mmm... I'm going to need to..." He sighed knowing that one day he'd have to tell them about his own secrets.

He finally made it to his bathroom and cleared his eyes only to see someone staring back.

It smiles back, it's eyes were red as a ruby.... He rubbed his eyes and it disappeared. " I must be crazy...." He stared at his normal reflection though his eyes had a bit tint to them, redder then he remembered.

Bryan made his way back to his bed taking a look at his surroundings he sighed. " I've wasted time what I'm doing REALLY worth it?" He placed his cold hands upon his face as tears sliently ran down his face.

Bryan knew what he was doing was right in his heart but was wrong on moral means. He's tried multiple times to help find the information. He even went as far as...."Changing" himself.

*Knock knock*

A knock on his door startled him, Bryan quickly whipped his tears away though their ecence still remains. "Who...whose there?" His voice quivered as he spoke, seeing the door knob move he scooted back on his bed.

" I'm glad you're awake" a familiar green haired, pale faced, individual pipped in. He smiled as he saw Bryan relax and sigh in relief.

" Jon don't do that" Bryan smiles back though his face was paler than before, his eyes red from, what Jon assumed was crying, Jon stood by the door as he waited for Bryan to invite him fully.

" Come sit, it's been awhile hasn't it?" Bryan patted his bed and scooted to the side a little. "Yeah it has" Jon said still smiling while he sat next to Bryan who had his legs up to his chest, which seemed to cause him pain. Jon had his thoughts on as few things Bryan might have the answers.

" You seem...sad is everything alright? If this is about molten I can-" before Jon could speak, Byran swiftly held up his hand and looked at the ground. " It's....not about molten, it's about what I've been doing....what im trying to do."

The more Bryan spoke the harder it was for Jon to sit there and do nothing, he couldn't help his friend, who seemed so broken and so torn that tears streamed down his face but Bryan just kept smiling at Jon.

" Jon...I don't know what to do. They are all in danger if I can't find the information, if I can't stop glitchtrap, if I-" Jon dd something he normally wouldn't do...

It caught Bryan off guard. Jon wrapped his arms around a disterot Bryan and held him. Bryan instincting did the same bringing his legs up on the bed and tucked under him, causing the sounds of metal screeching to be heard.

"Ah god... Bryan what did you do to's not always about yourself you know. There are those willing to help you in tough situation you just need to listen." Bryan knows this but his own stubbornness has kept him from doing so.

Bryan sat there telling Jon about things he's done...That if told to the rest or anyone in general.....would get him worse then just death.

"You did all that, even before offering me a job here, BEFORE all this happened?! Why!?" Jon couldn't believe what he was hearing, it was as if he didn't know his dearest friend. He walked around the room trying his Damnedest to figure out why.

" After all that you want to do MORE!?" he looked at Bryan who seems as though a weight was lifted from his shoulders....and placed on Jon's.

*Jon's thoughts*

God if anyone knew....I'd be put in jail for not saying a word, maybe death row! I- I knew Bryan was unstable while working here but from what I heard....Bryan who are you really?

I take a look at Bryan who seems to be a bit better than before but his EYES. They weren't the brown they used to be nor the red tint they were before either.

*Back to third pov*

"Oh God...." Whispered Jon as he covered his mouth scared to make a sound. He knew the Bryan he was speaking to wasn't right. It wasn't HIS Bryan.

Though unfortunately for jon, He knew no one....
Purple eyes.

Hey guys Creeping here and I'm sorry if it's a bit length I had tooken a break while writing this ^^' so if it makes no sense you can probably guess why well I hope you all enjoy.

Like, vote, and comment if you want

Cya~ またね~ bye~


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