Memories in Tokyo

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In the breeze of New Years Eve, Everyone in the city of Tokyo are very busy because of the upcoming festival for the New Years Eve.After the event of Christmass day people are getting excited for the New Year.

Aliza Vendict, A person that is very anti social yet friendly, She mostly spend her time making stories and her personalize blog but since she wants her days to be memorable she went to tokyo to celebrate New Years. She has a bestfriend that lived in Tokyo his name Aishou Lucel. He lived in Japan for almost 7 years due to his parents work.

Aliza was running in the street of tokyo because she promise him that they would meet at the cafe he runs. She kept on running until she made it there.

"Oi!..I told you to meet me at 8:00 but you arrive almost 9:30. What is the reason why you are late huh!?".He scold her.Aishou runs a cafe named Destiny Tokyo. He's cafe is quite famous in there town since he serve foreign food and drinks.

"Im so sorry Aishou..I was buying something and i didn't realize the time and an old lady came to asking for directions an-". Aliza's word was cut off by Aishou's embrace.

"Baka..As long you're here with me.Even your always late.I will always wait for you...I'll be with you til Dust til Dawn"..Aishou said to her with sincere and tender.

"Baffoon!..Why do say to me like that as if it will be my last breath stupid!".She fumes.

Aishou only laugh while he pats her head in a gentle manner.

"But its true though...No matter what i will wait for you..I'll be with you no matter what".

"Aishou..".She hug him while he hug her back.They hugged for at least 5 sweet minute until they move apart.

"C'mon let's get inside...Our Dream Cafe came true..". Aishou keep on saying topic related to the cafe whe manage but stop when Aliza wasn't following him.

"Aishou..Im sorry i can't return the feelings you have for me...". She suddenly say those words out of the blue.

*smile "It's ok Ali..It doesn't have to return right away..I told i can wait..And beside Im the only man can make delicious food and can satisfy with my presence Am i correct?". Aishou said it with full of happiness and love.

*cry while smiling "Your an Asshole..You should hate me or date someone else to move on to brag about so you could say..Im better without you but you still choose this friendship o ours"..She started crying because she felt guilt for not returning the same feelings he has.

*smile "Stupid..Even if i date someone do you think i would be happy and stop crying like a whiny baby..And look at me do i look like i regret our friendship. As long as your happy..Im happy. So stop crying you dork..".He outstretched his hand for her to reach and Ali grab it without hesitation and went inside the cafe.

"Thank you so much Aishou..I promise..I will one day return your love for me". She quitely says to herself.

The New Years Eve was a very pleasant memory for Aliza and Aishou.Both of then are having a good time like a married couple. They went to Amusement park, shopping,Visiting Aishou's parents.Just enjoying each others company.

At the Destiny Tokyo

"Aishou..If you are not here to run the cafe who would manage it?". Aliza ask out of nowhere.

"Ehhh!..Are you saying you want me dead?!".He says out shocked and disbelief

"N-nO!..Idiot!..Its not like that!..I just thought of it..I mean if your not here to manage it..Who..Thats what i meant you Bimbo".

"O-Oh..hehe..Sorry..I have my assistant here when Im gone if i go to overseas.".He says calmly now.

"Mmm...So you really did name it Destiny Tokyo..haha..I thought you would not name since it sound cringey..".She made a weird look.

"Naahh..I like the name though..". He says it without any regret.

"Aishou..I need to tell you something..Umm".Aliza has hesitation saying those words.

"What is it?".His voice strain with curiosity and seriousness.

"Ummm...Aishou....Can have a free food".She grin like a fool.

"Shit..I thought it would be something serious..Dont do that Ok?".He says with relief.

*she nod with a Mm.

Even deep down she need to tell him but doesn't have the guts to tell him simce it would pain him in the heart.She knows she has not much time left but what can she do.

They've spend the 5 hours of being together again.They really did enjoy their company together but she has to go soon.

"Aishou..I think its getting late i need to go now and I need to drop by at somewhere".She said

"Where you going?..If your going somewhere i can drop you off". He offers

" dont need to.I have to go now Aishou..".She said as if she was in a hurry.


But before she go she went to hug Aishou because she knows her time will come to an End.

"I love you Aishou".She says ot quitely.

"Hey..You ok?".He ask worriedly.

*she shake her head and smile "Aishou..Thank you for everything..I had a blast.Thanks to you i enjoy comin here in Tokyo.Im so lucky to have you.

Aishou is feeling a bit confise because she suddenly saying those words. Like she is saying like she is leaving and never coming back.

"Hey..Why are you saying those words..Don't say that you idiot". Aishou started to tear up but restrain himself.

*smile "Hehe..Sorry..I have to go.. Bye Shou".

Its been a 4 days since Aishou saw Aliza.Aishou started to get worried because her words was never leaving his head.It kept on playing like a broken record.

He has been in the Cafe all day until he receive a message.

He open he's phone and see who texted him It was Aliza's Mother.

He started crying...He didn't expect this..

Aliza is Dead..

Aishou..I came to inform you that Aliza didn't make it. She was doing her heart surgery and the doctor said he heart eas too weak. Her reason to go to Tokyo was to get her heart surgery yet she choose to spend her time with you.It seems she knows her time would end soon so she would rather spend it with. When she was going to get her heart surgery she gave us her brightest smile that we never seen in years. If you still remember the old house you use to play with her..Your welcome there.I hope i could see you my child.You made her happy.

After reading the message i went straight to their old household. Even i was running i can't help the tears falling in my eyes.It was falling like river.My heart can take it.I promise her .... I would be there.

I will always be there. But i wasn't

I manage to be there...And there she was..A smiling photo of her.

I slowly walk forward but can't help but breakdown in tears. I scream her name over and over again. Her mother comforted me but nothing ease me.

I stay there until she is going to get her grave.

Aliza was place in her grave and i am still standing there not believing that she no longer in his warmth.

"I can't believe you leave me without saying goodbye..Oh wait-.. You did say goodbye but i don't know if it was indirect or i was just an idiot to not realize it.... But i will always love you forever..."

Til Dusk til Dawn My love...

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