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   "Damn son 50 treelicks? It's one barrel of apples" a old voice speaks "Sir I'm s-sorry I don't make the rules" a younger unsure voice responds. "Back in my day ......" the convocation continues but I am to tired to keep listening.

   My head throbs as my eyes flutter open. I shift my body just to get a branch poking me in my back. 

    A tree? I respawned in a tree. At least its not a sewer like last time.
     Thinking it better to obtain a weapon that be a sitting duck, I jump down from where i perch, but am greeted with wet soil. Lovely. mud.
     Deciding to venture else where, I head deeper in to town. Walking for a good twenty minutes I find a blacksmith who is banging away, merrily at a horseshoe, humming all the while. "Oi, boy can you weld a decent sword?" looking up, the lad acknowledges me with a confused look "Sir it's mid summer may I ask why you wear that cloak?" my thoughts are clouded with annoyance as I dismiss the question. "Can you or can you not?"

"Y-yes sir"

Seeming suddenly embarrassed he discards of the horseshoe and begins on a new project.

"I would like two completed by sun down, is that possible?" bitterly I ask. He nods in response.

   Seeing as my presence is no longer needed I look for a stream to bath in, now seeing as my cloak is caked in mud.

  I bath in a little stream deep in the woods a mile or so far from the Market. Submerging myself in water I wonder once again, what I am doing here.
Its your world your going to lose not mine.

I recall the girls words and ponder what their meaning is. I have already lost so much - my people, my home, everything I love. what else could I lose?

Breaking the surface of the water I gasp for breath. I remember why I agreed to this stupid deal. They blackmailed me with laney. I cringe at the name...laney. I stifle a sob as memories flood back.


   We were sitting on a hill bright green grass blew in the wind and the only sound i could hear was her giggle her beautiful laugh. The sun was setting and stars could be seen. "Its beautiful " she said with awe in her voice. "Not as beautiful as you" she looked at me with a blush and a smirk "Ozar, that was really cheesy but-" biting her lip she brings her face closer to mine so our foreheads almost touch. "Are you implying you fancy me?" my eyes never left hers. Violet orbs that held so much mystery and mischief. That's when I closed the distance between us. Our laws would never allow affection so openly displayed, and a girl leading it would be unheard of and shamed. But that was what was different about us.
If anyone found out we would be banded form our homes but we didn't care. All alone, all I wanted was her, not her body, but her.

I dunk under the surface to wash away my tears, and forget what happens next. I can't go their, not now, perhaps not ever. It would be better if I just forgot.
You forget what your fighting for, you forget to fight.

That damn voice. It sounds like a child yet, so much more mature. She won't leave me fuck alone!
All I ask for is peace is that so damn much to ask?

I ask the voice knowing I won't get a answer. In anger I punch a tree leavening my knuckles bleeding.

The sun is setting as I throw on my cloak to cover my scars. I need to collect my swords, I have a bigger challenge than dealing with memories. For tonight I need to find Shelter.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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