Chapter 1

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Authors note: Sorry for any errors guys,this is my first book. Hope you like it!!

I woke up Monday morning to hear my name being screamed,it was already 9:00 I was going to be late for my flight!I jumped up through my cloths on grabbed my bags and my mom brought me to the airport.I was going to my dads for the summer,I was so exited,I hadn't seen him in 2 years!!we made it just in time,mom gave me a big hug and then watched me get on the plane and left.
Finally the plane had landed.I got off and started looking for dad,I seem him and ran up to him and gave him a big hug.He said how happy he was to see me and how much he had missed me.
After that we I got in his red truck and we headed home.
I told him on the way how exited I was to see the horses and most importantly Dollie (my horse) when we got their childhood memories rushed to my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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