TheUnforseenMysteryLove - Chapter 11

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The way people describe penitentiary is
different from when you are inside. When you are
told, you don't see the pain the prisoners go through.
You picture your own jail in your mind that is not
real. The real one is hell. If I can't survive in a small
police station cells, I don't know how I was gonna
survive when I'm in the big penitentiary. Time
moves slow when you are locked up. There's
nothing much to do besides starring at the wall. I
looked around and there was nothing much to read.
I saw the words ‘Sbu was here 2013’. Isn't that weird
to write something like that? Aren't people ashamed
of being in jail? As for me, I don't even want people
to know I'm in jail. My reputation would collapse if
people find out. It would bring shame to me and my
family. But then again, it’s pointless because I’m
sure by now the whole village knew that the son of
Kgosi Malema was in jail. Masankaneng is a small
area, meaning we know one another. The president
of Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) Julius Malema is from my village. When he is here, we don’t consider
him a celebrity but a child to our parents and a
father to us. He’s a type of man to help whenever he
sees someone in need. Most of us here look up to
him not only for his politic profile but his kindness
and humanity. I looked down and there was a chair
at a far corner. I went over to a chair and there I
found a magazine beneath it. I picked it up and it
was a pornography magazine. Who still has
pornography magazine when there’s internet? Oh, I
forgot, they don’t have cellphones. After feeding my
eyes with two to three pictures I threw it away.
Again there was a drawing book below a chair.
Whoever was sketching here was pretty good. He
sketched cars, people and cartoons. He has talent I
won't lie. He drew half and a quarter of a seventytwo pages exercise book and left the rest of the
pages blank. There were only few blank sheets left.
In the middle of the book there was a pencil. Even if
I wanted to attempt drawing, I wouldn't beat this
guy. He sketched things the way they are. I may not have seen the pictures he referred from but his
drawings looked perfect in my eyes.

After hours of doing nothing and being bored,
the policeman came to fetch me again but this time it
was a different one. He took me to the interrogation
room. The interrogation room looked like an
abandoned museum. It was not nice. I’ve always
had high expectations of government facilities. I
always expected government properties to be
beautiful and neat but not this police station. There
was not much difference between it and Lenyora’s
place. Oh, I’m sorry for that. I’m sure the leaders
would be very disappointed on how they handle the
facility. There my mother was, seating in an
opposite direction of the entrance. She was with the
family lawyer Mr. Musk and he was seating
opposite my mother facing the entrance. He has
been with the family for years now. My dad trusts
him. I still don’t know how my dad affords him. Or
maybe his doing him favors because they are friends.
Wait, how did they even become friends? What’s
really the connection between them? My dad is just
a man whose only goal is to die poor while Mr.
Musk has ventured into different businesses. Mr.
Musk and my dad are far different. Or maybe he’s
feeling pity for him because they went to the same
school and attended the same grade? Only God
knows, but I was thankful he’s here. He asked for
privacy and my mom left the room.
“Katlego Malema" he said. "Be as honest as you
possibly can. Let's start..."

We spoke and I told him everything. The whole
truth from A to Z and back. Everything is what he
expected because there was no shock on his face as I
was telling him. He advised me not to talk to anyone
in his absence. He left the room and spoke to my
mom outside for few minutes and my mom entered.
She went over to me and gave me hug like it was my
last day on earth. She gave me a warm tight hug.
She then sat to my opposite direction where Musk
was seated. "How are you feeling my son?" she asked in a
broken voice.
"I'm hanging in there mom. All will be well
don't worry" I said.
She cried. She couldn't get over the fact that her
son was in prison. No matter what you tell a mother,
if she sees you in jail, she will assume you are not
okay, she’ll worry about you. Seeing me in jail cells
automatically makes me not good in her eyes. Of
course I was not good but I didn’t want to worry her
more. I pretended to be normal so she does not think
about my situation when she goes back home. I hate
worrying her.
"Everything will be well my son" she said and
moved her fingers around my hand.
"Why did you do it?" she continued.
"I don’t know mom. It was a mistake. I never
intended for any of this to happen. Everything
happened so fast. It was never my intentions to kill
her nor hurting her"
"And you lied to us. You've brought attention to
our family. First it was the wedding and now this…
Everyone is talking. People are saying I raised a liar
and a murderer"
"I know and I'm really sorry" I paused and
continued. "Whatever happens, just know that I love
you so much. You are the best mom in the whole
world. You've given me enough love to make me
happy. Without you my mother, there wouldn't be
me. You've loved me. You've given me love. You
cared for me. The amount of happiness you
produced in my life cannot be forgotten. Even if I’m
here, I want you to know that you did not raise a
murderer, I chose to it. It was my choice not yours.
You raised me in a good way. You are better than all
those who are saying evil things about you. They do
not know what their children does behind closed
doors or at night. I will be okay in here mother"
She was already drowning in a bottle of tears.
"Please don't say that my child. I will come and see you every day. And don't you lose hope as yet" she
said, crying.
"There's no hope mom. There's no way I will
escape the sentence. They have solid evidence to
lock me away for good. Johannes told them
everything. This wasn't supposed to be like this. I
guess I should've done the right thing the moment it
happened." I couldn't hold in my tears anymore. The
strength of pretending to be strong dried up. Now it
was the real me - The real Katlego who was in jail
and afraid. My mom saw my pain through my eyes.
I found myself wet in tears. Reality was clicking in
now. I was seeing myself spending years behind
bars. The memories I had outside would be replaced
by the memories I was to have in prison. Prison is
not a pleasant place. Everyone that comes out of it
either comes out crazy or crazier. Whatever
treatment they receive here is working against them.
I was drowning in my own thoughts that I didn't
realize my mother was still here and crying. I touched her warm hand and she responded by
squeezing mine.
"I hope you will forgive me for the pain I caused
you mom"

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