Chapter 35

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It was Easter Sunday and Mr. McDonald dragged all of us out to church early that morning. We didn't know of a church to go to, but he dragged us to the nearest church that looked the nicest. The rest of us just went along with it and sat through the service, but of course Mr. McDonald stole the show. He was up trying to help the choir and even helped them after service. I think he might have even caught the holy ghost by the way he was up screaming and dancing down the aisles.

Ava thought Mr. McDonald's show during service was hilarious. Mama was trying to get her to stop laughing and falling asleep the entire time, but she really tried to calm her laughter down when Mr. McDonald was trying to teach her how to sing in tune.

By the time we got back to Victoria's house, Baby went upstairs to Victoria's room and crashed on her bed with Ava since Mr. McDonald and Mama had us get up early for early service. Mama and Victoria were in the kitchen preparing the dinner for tonight and I planned on sitting outside to get some air. There was so much tension between Victoria and I from the other night, and I'm sure everyone could sense it since Mama and Mr. McDonald kept asking us what's wrong. I mean, the two of us haven't even held a conversation since that huge argument. She doesn't bother me, and I don't bother her. We just try our hardest to stay away from each other.

Mr. McDonald walked outside to the backyard with me in completely different clothes than from what he was wearing at church. He was now wearing a pair of basketball shorts, no shirt, and a pair of sneakers that looked like he took them from me. He was even wearing a headband and wristbands as he carried a basketball in his hands.

"You tryna play one on one?" he asked as he tossed me the ball.

I pushed all of the emotions I was feeling about Victoria to the back of my mind as I smiled. "What's up man? You really tryna get that ass whooped on Easter?"

Mr. McDonald chuckled. "That's funny."

I tossed him the ball and stood up, unbuttoning the buttons on my suit jacket. I always come prepared. I stripped down to my basketball socks, my beater, and my Nike socks. 

"You always wear that under your church clothes?" Mr. McDonald laughed.

"Hell yeah, just in case the pastor wanna fuck around and get dunked on in the name of the Lord. Or in my case, a gospel gangster."

"Oh, so you got joke na?" Mr. M laughed. "Well, I always wear 'em under my church clothes, just in case a NBA player tryna get his ass crossed up by a gospel gangster."

I smirked. "Good come back, but'chu still gon' get dunked on."

"That's what you thought nigga."

Mr. McDonald crossed over in front of me and tossed the ball into the basket, purposely hanging on to the rim just to be a show off. I'm surprised his old ass held up on the rim for so long, but he stayed up there for a minute until Mama started beating on the kitchen window for him to get down before he hurts himself. Mr. McDonald waved her off as he came back over to me, trying to block me from getting past him.

"So, lemme ask you something," he asked as he pulled up his shorts so he could run quicker.

"What's up?"

"When's the wedding? Shit. I keep asking but nobody wanna give me an answer."

When he wasn't paying attention, I crossed over and tossed the ball into the basket, never having to hang on the rim to show off. I dribbled the ball down the driveway and planned on dunking on him again, but he took the ball out of my hands and tossed the ball into the basket.

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