The Kitty and The Bard

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Author’s Note

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night; whatever the hell your timezone is, or whenever you are reading this. I consider it my utmost pleasure to meet you, oh faceless reader! Unless you have a face, then it’s not so much a pleasure as it is a contradiction of my previous statement defining you as someone faceless. However you have come to be reading these words, with or without a face, I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. If not, well no-one is stopping you from clicking away to another book, website, or whatever it is you intend to do on the internet.

Anyway, this is the author’s note. The spot where I am going to post my ramblings and whatnot about the chapters I’ve posted, or am in the process of writing and posting. I will also be posting them on my tumblr page, because honestly, they do not belong inside the text of the pages of the chapter after everything is said and done. So, if you are looking for information, or are just curious as to what is going on in my little brain, feel free to browse these pages for said updates and rants. I shall not post  my author’s notes anywhere else but here, unless I somehow forget about them. In which case, you dear reader, must inform me about my slip up.

The story you are about to read, or if you are reading this on November 14th, 2012 will be reading after I finish writing the first few chapters, is a rough draft of a story idea that I am entertaining entering in the 2013 Watty Awards. I did not participate in the 2012 Watty’s because as a Community College student, I had no time, and was procrastinating. Well, that and the story I would have entered is a little story called Stories Under the Velvet Sky, and is as of today, still not finished even though it has been in the works (in my brain) for roughly 9 years now.

This little tale, or pardon the terrible pun, tail, is a story about a bard. For those of you who don’t know what a bard is, first of all, shame on you, and second of all, according to the New Oxford American Dictionary a bard is: a poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition.

• ( the Bard or the Bard of Avon )Shakespeare.


bardic |-dik|adjective

ORIGIN Middle English: from Scottish Gaelic bàrd,Irish bard, Welsh bardd, of Celtic origin. In Scotland in the 16th cent. it was a derogatory term for an itinerant musician, but was later romanticized by Sir Walter Scott.

bard 2 |bärd|


a slice of bacon placed on meat or game before roasting.

verb [ with obj. ]

cover (meat or game) with slices of bacon.

ORIGIN early 18th cent.: from French barde, a transferred sense of barde ‘armor for the breast and flanks of a warhorse,’ based on Arabic barḏa'a ‘saddlecloth, padded saddle.’

So, for your entertainment, which in my eyes is paramount to everything else, I will be writing a tale about a kitten, and a slice of bacon placed upon a pig. Doesn’t that sound like such an interesting story? Think of all the adventures that strip of bacon could have with a kitty cat!

No? Not very appealing? Darn, and I was hoping to write such a fascinating legend of the Lord Baconstrip, and the Cat that ate it.

Since you seem to have such peculiar tastes, I suppose I shall have to go for another, much grander idea. A legend that has spanned centuries, enduring for all of time, simply because Walt Disney told it to. Well, perhaps only in my mind. However, it is a tale so told because it tells of the love between a pair, that would seem almost impossible; for who could find it in them to love a beast?

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