best friend fight

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So it's been days now and I notice Elena and Lucas getting closer day by day like she is not even talking to me again 😒 she gets to the room and act like everything is fine when she clearly knows it's not...

Elena: hey.... I'm so sorry for ditching our practice session I was wi-

Hype: lucas yeah I know and you had practice with him? 🤨

Elena: yeah we were already there I just decided... Y'know 🤷

Hype: and you couldn't even.... Y'know what never mind

Elena: hey... Don't be mad...

Hype: yeah yeah... 😒

Elena: okay look so Lucas got me this teddy bear it's so cute I'm gonna name him Lucas jnr and also we got ice cream and he thought me how to do the body roll and I also did the WAP dance in front of him

Hype: yippidy yay wooh I'm so happy 😪

Elena: you can't even be happy for me  that Lucas likes me

Hype: and how do you know that...

Elena: I feel like you don't want me to be with him you are so jealous and non appreciative

Hype: huh? What did you say now? I don't give a f*** about Lucas am more worried about you I mean his mom killed my... You know what am moving in with Sophia tonight

Elena: and I'm staying here!

Hype packs her blanket and her custom made chase Hudson teddy bear and a pillow to Sophia's room

Sophia: hey.... What's wrong

Hype: can I crash here tonight

Sophia: sure.... Roommate fight?

Hype: yeah....

Shopia: what's wrong?

Hype: like a friend of mine likes this guy and another friend of mine like him but my other friend is extroverted so she knows how to approach him but this other friend is shy and feels like she is gonna get hurt so she decides not to talk to him and... Watch her friend get closer to him without her being able to do anything because this is the first friend she ever had and she is scared to loose her.... 😢

Sophia: is that friend you and Lena 🤨

Hype: yeah 🥺... I really like Lucas I want to know what it's like to have a boyfriend I want to know what it's like to be loved by a male I never had that love maybe I'm not good enough 🥺

Sophia: heyyyy I really feel like you should talk to Lena I think she is pretty understanding and you know don't force yourself on a guy don't loose friendships over a guy who thinks you're just one of his friends and not crush common hypena
Get! Hyped!...

Hype: 🙁

Sophia: let's get ice cream

Hype: k....

Hype and Lucas are alone in the the dance studio and.... Dancing to a romantic song 😏

Lucas: y'know you remind me of... Charli d'amelio you dance just like her....

Hype: pffft I wish! Ha! Me dance like Charli.... Not on this Earth

Lucas: 🙃 by that I also mean you're beautiful 😻

Hype: flattering 😒

Lucas: don't give me that sass 😏 you know you're really beautiful and your lips are attractive....

Hype: meh

Lucas: hard to get?

Hype: maybe 🤭

Meanwhile Elena was listening to the convo

Hype: look Lucas I can't do this my-

Lucas: *hugs hype tightly*

*Elena looks in disbelief and runs through the hallway while hype was chasing after her to the bathroom*

Elena: *slams door*

Hype: heyy open up....

Elena: *with a whimpering voice* no

Hype: Are you crying?

Elena: I'm not crying your crying 🥺

Hype: can I explain it was just a hug....

Elena: NO! You like Lucas and you wanna steal him from me!

Hype: we're besties right?

Elena: maybe?

Hype: then we need to talk.... I have a lot to say...

Daughter Of Charli Damelio Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora