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The Xyphons created a pen to hold all of the captured Martian soldiers. It was constructed of three-inch metal poles spaced five feet apart in a twenty-foot wide circle with razor wire encircling the top, the middle, and around the bottom. A gate faced north and guards were posted around it, both on the ground and in the trees, with weapons ready to take down any soldier that tried to escape. A metal shack had been erected, four poles with a roof, to protect the prisoners from the elements. They were supplied blankets, and food was given to them once a day. The group was covered in the thick black mud from the swamp and most of the time, they sat on the ground with heads hanging low, looking utterly beaten. As JD stared, a guard opened the gate and stepped in to give them water; the others on the outside stiffened and brought their weapons to a ready position. The Martian soldiers moved ponderously toward their captor and had their cups filled.

JD envied them. They knew where they were headed. Their future may not have been one they were excited about or looking forward to, but there was no mystery in what was going to happen. The only thing she knew for certain was that Roger and the General had to be taken down. How and when, she didn't know. She wasn't even sure that she would survive long enough to accomplish the task. Everything she had known, or thought she knew, had been shattered. The lines of right and wrong disappeared, and she didn't know which side she was on. Both sides had their reasons for what they were doing, and they believed that they were doing what was right for civilization.

JD's conscience told her that creating an army from dead soldiers was wrong, but where did that leave her? She didn't ask to be created the way she was, but then again, no one got to choose. How was re-animating a soldier any different than creating life in a test tube? People choose their lives while living them, and those choices are not always focused on the betterment of humanity. Who was she to interfere with creation?

"If anyone of them makes a violent move toward the Xyphon on the inside, the outside guards will cut them down without thinking twice."

JD turned to her right and looked at Maxx. "What about the Xyphon inside?"

He shrugged. "He knows the risks. He would rather be killed by his own men than become a victim of war prisoners."

She turned back toward the pen and was silent until the guard emerged and the gate was locked.

"What is going to happen to the prisoners?"

"Depends. More than likely Alex will have them sent to the Universal Committee and have them tried. Those who are important enough or have a high enough rank will have the chance to help themselves and cut a deal that gives up valuable information about their government. Those who aren't important enough will be sent to re-education camps." He cocked his head to the right and stared at the pen for a moment. "Most of these saps look like low-level military." He looked at her. "I think all of them will be heading for rehabilitation."

JD shivered as she thought what that might mean. She folded her hands over her chest and turned away from the pen, heading into the trees. Maxx followed her. She found a fallen tree and sat down; he stood in front of her and picked at the leaves.

"I assume these rehab places are not much different than what Roger would put someone through."

He averted his gaze to the top of the tree and sighed. "I'm sure they have similarities. The mind is a mystery to most people." He focused his gaze on her. "Everyone wants to be a part of the group. They want to belong. They want to know that they are important, even if it's in a small way. Most of the people who joined the General's army believe that they are better than the rest of the universe because they have been told that since they were little. Undoing brainwashing like that takes drastic measures." He leaned forward and pointed a finger at her. "It also takes subtlety."

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