Chapter Six

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"Hey babe, you're looking good today." Said Rodger, as he walked past Ginny.

"Charming as usual." Snickered Maxine, as he started running around the pitch.

"I'd bash his head in, if we weren't on the same team." Said Ginny, watching him run around the pitch.

"No, you'd bash his head in if it didn't ruin your chances of staying on the team." Chimed in Blaise, reaching them.

A smirk spread across Ginnys face, confirming his statement, as Blaise threw an arm around her shoulder, ruffling her hair like her brothers would.

"Whatever." Said Ginny, as she took off running around the pitch, Maxine catching up to her.

They ran a lap, as Jackson reached them.

"They say you're part siren." He smirked, eyeing Ginny.

Before she could reply, the boy tumbled to the floor with a grunt, as a blonde took his place.

"Sorry Samuels. Maybe if you focussed on where you were running you wouldn't have tripped." Draco called over his shoulder, as he snuck a quick smirk at the red head and darted off.

"Blimey. Looks like you've got yourself a Prince in shining armour." Chuckled Maxine.

"I don't need saving." Stated Ginny, as she nodded, puffing.

"Go carry on. Imma going to take a quick break." Maxine said, exhausted, as she slowed.

"No beater of mine is going to walk on this pitch." Roared Ron, running behind Maxine, who had came to a stop.

"Watch me." She , as she began walking.

"Knees up!" He boomed, causing her to kick into action, and began sprinting around the pitch, the lanky ginger on her heels.

"Arsehole!" She yelled, as she ran.

Shaking her head at her brother, Ginny continued to jog around the pitch, admiring the small layer of fog looked like a veil, hiding the green blades of grass. After a few laps of the pitch, the group of teens hopped on their brooms and took to the air, passing the quaffle between themselves, while the beaters bashed it about.

After warming up in the air, the bludgers were released, causing the players to move about more.

Halfway into the training, Hooch arrived. In her opinion, teenagers were old enough to warm up and get ready.

"Okay troops." She called, as the seven flew down, "tomorrow the captains shall be revealed, so I want you all training properly. No dilly dally." She announced.

The children immediately got into line, and listened attentively, as to what the witch told them to do.

After giving the instructions, the children jumped on their brooms, and moved up to the air. Throughout the training, each teen was throwing their very best tricks and determined to show their skills. After tiring themselves out, Hooch turned her back from the pitch and walked through the stone arches, leaving the team to wonder where she went.

Some minutes later, she returned, with a army of students dressing in their quidditch robes.

"Now to give you some competition." Hooch announced, as she walked about the herd of children, tapping some on the shoulder or nodding her head. Once she made her team, she sent them to the air.

"Now you've all done show boating, I think I ought to give you a real game." She said, as the players git into position.

The original seven- all red in the face- tried to regain their breath and conserve some energy for the match.

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