Chapter 1

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The warm morning light gently falls upon (Y/n)'s face through the window in her room. A loud beeping sound emitted from the girl's phone, echoing through the room. The blaring noise jarred the tired girl awake as she was quick to pick the source of the sound up in her hand. Squinting at her phone, she quieted the noise, turning the alarm off. She laid back down in her bed, mumbling to herself as she gently shut her eyes once again. They quickly opened up after she realized what day it was.

Groaning, the girl stood up out of her bed and stretched her tired limbs. She fumbled down the hallway, yawning as she rubbed her eyes. She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth before returning to her room.

Walking into her room, she stretched once again before gently slapping her face. "Come on (Y/n), wake up already, you need to do that school thing." She mumbled to herself as she stood alone in her room. 'Ok, what should I wear today? I don't want to stand out too much but I also don't want to look like a slob and-' She thought before her eyes landed on a certain thing that hung in her closet. "Oh, yeah, I have to wear this now..." She said, slowly eying the uniform in her hands. It consisted of a blue plaid pleated skirt, a white short-sleeved button-up shirt, a creme colored sweater vest, and a blue bow/tie thing that matched her skirt. "At least it's not one of those sailor ones that I always see in the animes" She mumbled to herself as she begrudgingly placed the uniform on her body.

After styling her hair in her usual style and putting on whatever accessories that she wanted, (Y/n) made her way into the kitchen. Glancing through the cabinets she found little food, only the few things that she had bought on her way home from the hospital. 'Why did I hope that more food would just magically appear?' She groaned as she closed the cabinet. 'I guess I'll just skip breakfast today, grandma would kill me if she was here right now' She thought to herself, laughing lightly at the thought of her grandmother's reaction.

"What time is it anyways?" The girl muttered, pulling out her phone to check. Glancing at the time, her eyes went wide before she shoved her phone back into her pocket, quickly running into her bedroom. "Shoot, Grandma wanted me to get to school early so I can meet with the Principal!" She yelled, rummaging through her room as she looked for her backpack. Her eyes finally landed on the needed item before she snatched it up in her hands. She then barreled through the house, making her way to the small entrance room where her shoes sat. Swiftly, she shoved them on her feet and proceeded to jog out of the house, making sure to close and lock the door behind her. 'Grandma would kill me if she found out I was late on my first day...' She thought to herself as she urged her feet to move faster.

(Y/n) finally stopped running when she stood outside of the school gates. 'Damn, I need to get in better shape' She panted, tired from her run. "Ok, how much time do I have left to run to class?" The tired girl thought as she pulled out her phone to check the time. Looking at her phone, her face deadpanned. 'I have plenty of time left, god I'm an idiot' She scolded, facepalming as her posture slouched at the realization.

Removing her hand from her face, (Y/n) took a chance to take a look at the school that she had walked into. There were multiple buildings around here, each being multiple stories. In between each were large courtyards filled with foliage and lined with walkways and benches. 'So this is why I needed a map of the campus' She thought as she flipped her backpack around on her back so that it was now on her stomach as she rummaged through it. She finally pulled out a piece of paper with the campus labeled on it.

"(Y/n), I got you signed up and prepared for school!"

"Grandma, do I have to start school while I'm there with you? Can't I just wait till after my normal summer vacation?"

"Nope, then you'll be even more behind. The decision is final"

(Y/n) groaned on her side of the phone, knowing not to argue back to her grandmother, unless she wanted another hour-long scolding.

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