Chapter 1

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Today will be just another ordinary day in the life of Kaitlynn Kim.

Who am I kidding? This is ME we're talking about.. I just hope nothing TOO dramatic happens. Because drama is the last thing I need today.

Today is D-Day. I've been dreading and anticipating for it since the beginning of the week. Is that even possible?

Anyway, today is when I'm going to talk to my dad about pursuing my masters in marine biology. I've always wanted to be an Aquarist.

The past year was good. I watched a lot of Korean dramas, I got to know about Got7, met the love of my life Jackson Wang (over my computer of course, I haven't met him in person..Yet!). 

But it's about time I go back to doing what I do best – Studying.

You might have gotten the impression that I've basically been nothing but a bum the last year but that is NOT the case.

I have appointments with people almost every day. And by people I mean daughters, and occasionally wives, of the wealthiest families in the Republic of Korea. But that's only NORMAL right?

My father, Kim Sunghyun, is the chairman of Haneul Enterprises.

I was born in Canada to two loving parents. We moved to Korea when I was 13. It's been 10 years now. But I really can't say that ever since moving there's been a single day that I've got to spend quality time with dad, or even mum for that matter.

My mother, Linda Kim is the Vice-chairwoman of Haneul group. Back in Canada we weren't what you'd call rich but if I had a choice I'd go back to those days without pausing to hesitate for a second. Those were the days I was REALLY spoilt. With so much love from my parents. Although I don't have siblings I never felt lonely. I was happy. We moved to Korea because my dad's business in Canada wasn't doing really well and because Uncle Jeon (dad's friend) insisted that we could do so much better in Korea.

Alright that's enough of thinking about the 'good old days'. Yes, I call it that.

I have a huge problem at hand right now. There is a wardrobe crisis. All of my decent looking clothes are at the laundry at the moment and I have a coffee date with Aunt Jeon, who is the wife of the chairman of Taeyang group (who is Uncle Jeon, if you were wondering). The last time I saw Aunt Jeon I was wearing a very pretty (in my opinion) white T-shirt, denim shorts and black knee-high boots and she very diplomatically told me that my choice in wardrobe sucked. That can only mean one thing. I'm going shopping with her. Yay! :"(

And no.. That's not everything I have on my list today. I also have to go horseback riding with Rachel. If you haven't guessed yet, she's the daughter of the chairman of another group called the W Group.

Alright.. Back to the crisis at hand. You may wonder how half of my wardrobe ended up in the laundry. Well, 'Katy' and 'Tidy' are two words that one can NOT associate with the other. All through the past 2 months I've been wearing all the nicer clothes and at the end of each day I've been stripping it off and pushing it under my bed. All you need to know is that my housekeeper Mrs. Choi was NOT happy when she found out yesterday. Oh well.. At least Mrs. Choi can't hold a grudge. She's the sweetest and she's like a second mother to me. And she bakes the most delicious cookies. I LOVE COOKIES.

Ooh and she just came into my room. She always does that. Almost every time I think about her she magically appears. What's that in her hand though? Yayy... She's brought in some of my clothes. Mrs. Choi to my rescue once again. She places them on my bed.

I will NOT look like a simpleton in that beautiful baby pink sequined knee length dress that is right on top.

This woman is magical, I swear. I run to her with a squeal and hug her. She in return looks at me like I've lost my mind. But the truth is, she loves me just as much as I love her.


I'm exhausted but I'm thankfully still alive. And I guess that is all that matters. Aunt Jeon made me buy a hundred different gowns and dresses that, I don't really think I need to go shopping anytime in the next 3 years.

I am NOT however recalling the last 2 hours that I had to spend in the company of Rachel. Complete nightmare!!

I'm going to go have a long, warm bath now. In hopes that I can revive some of my energy and soothe my nerves. I'm a nervous wreck already. I really, really want to pursue my studies and I need my dad to say 'Yes'. Because it is NOW or NEVER really. I have only two days to apply.

Today, being a Friday, means I can talk to dad comfortably. If I don't apply by tomorrow all my plans of starting my masters this year will probably go down the drain.

Dad's been a little stressed lately. Although I can't really tell for sure. It's like he's a stranger to me at times.

I come out of my bath, get dressed and go downstairs for dinner. Is it just my imagination or does dad really look weary today. Did he always have so much gray hair?We eat in silence for a quarter of an hour.

'Come on Katy! It's just your dad.' But I still can't seem to open my mouth. What is wrong with me?

Mrs. Choi serves dessert. We're having vanilla ice cream and an assortment of exotic fruits. Dad's favorite. So I tell myself, 'Now is the time Katy!'

"Da..." I have to stop almost as soon as I open my mouth because my mom chooses that exact moment to say, "Honey, about that trip to India.. How about the first week of December?"

My eyes get a little watery. Why do I feel so crushed? I'm not really someone who cries.

My dad just says, "It can't be December. We have other plans for December."

My mum looks disappointed too, "What plans?"

"Kaitlynn's wedding."


A/N: Hellooo. Thanks for reading. This is my first ever attempt at writing and I wrote most of it 3(ish) years back and I didn't want to make any major changes. I won't promise that this will be free of mistakes and the entire story will just be very light but I still hope you enjoy.

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