Vladimir Lenin on his 150

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April 22 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of Lenin's Birth.
From becoming a Marxist under the guidance of Georgi Plekhanov 'the father of Marxism' in Russia (1889) to preaparing and leading the Russian Revolution (1917-1923). Vladimir Ilych Lenin was the architect of the anti colonial united front.
Leninism grew up and took shape under the conditions of imperialism, when the contradiction of capitalism had reached an extreme point, when the old period of preparation of the working class for revolution had arrived at and passed into a new period, that of direct assault on capitalism.
One hundred years of the Russian Revolution & this is why Lenin's thought is still important today.
# Ensuring democracy to all working class.
# Ending the oppression of minority nationalitites and women.
# Ensuring all citizens a dignified life that excluded exploitation.
# Tackling capitalism by breaking down the system i.e confiscating the large landowners land and abolishing private property in order to redristibute them to the peasants.
Adding to the above the founder leader of the Russian communist party wanted to see a socialist revolution led by the working class.
Unfortunately many tend to ignore his epoch-making theoretical contributions. Therefore, it is essential to restore and develop his priorities and ideologies in their relevance in the present situation as 'Authority poisons everybody who takes authority on himself-Lenin'.
Remembering great Comrade Vladimir Ilych Lenin on his 150th Birth anniversary.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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