Dani Cusco

84 6 0

Theme Song- Body by mother mother

"Excuse me? Can you please not talk to my girlfriend."

"People think I'm a freak. When really I'm just incomplete."

"I'm so so sorry!"

"She's the only who gets me. The rest of you just pretend you do."

"Ok, my spine is show. And?"

"I literally don't have any hands."

Name: Daniella Cusco

Age: 16

Gender: female

Bday/ 3/5

Voice claim: princess bubblegum

Fandom: none

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Appearance in detail

Height: 6"3

Weight: 101 lbs

Skin: super pale, almost paper white

Hair: white

Eyes: grayish blue

extra: she doesn't have any hands, or much of a torso.

Backstory: Dani grew up in a facility with most of my other ocs. It's an organization that abducts kids and does experiments on them. Like turning them into monsters or giving them powers.

Dani was turned into a hybrid and had some of her body parts stolen. She later escaped with my other ocs and attends Hanamaka High school. 

She's currently dating Kai and has two main friends.

Dani is super sweet and shy, she's used to being ridiculed so she's not great with making new friends. She sometimes fears most people, but once you get to know her, she's a sweetheart. She said kind of the mom of the group.

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