The legend of the harpoon gun

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Have you ever been chased by a naked man with a harpoon gun?

That was me. Let me tell you the legend;

When you walk down the street at night and hear a small sound of demonic screeching, but when you turn around nobody is there? Well that demonic screeching is me. The naked man with a harpoon gun. 

Sometimes, you'll feel a breeze that whsipers 'ur mom gay' or find a rock with a middle finger painted on it and you wonder, 'who made this?' Tis was I, the Naked harpoon man. 
Sometimes I'll simply screech in your ear and disappear. Sometimes you'll take out your own harpoon gun and shoot me. Sometimes, however, you'll ignore my screeches and see flashes of rainbow and red. Then you'll be pushed over. With a hiss of fury i'll take my harpoon and shoot your face. uwu

and now I'm done. sweet dreams uwu

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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