Scene one, take one

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     The sun was rising in New York, lighting up little by little the already busy streets. Some people were waking up, ready for another chaotic day - characteristic of the place - while others were getting home, after an intense night of work or pleasure. Diversity is a good word to describe the capital of the world.

     On a random street of Williamsburg, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, Lara Lewis de Almeida heard her alarm clock ringing incessantly. The heat of the late summer came into her room, gently warming her up. She knew that it would be the perfect day to have a delicious breakfast at the bakery near her apartment, to stroll through the quiet street of her neighborhood, and to enjoy the end of another great summer. However, her responsibilities spoke louder.

     Today was the first day of her last college period. The first day of an incredibly happy time, but also sad and nostalgic. Lara was thrilled about this end. She loved her friends, her professors, and her course; but she also could not stop counting the days for her actual entry into the adult world. She wished to start her career already, to travel the world, and to work for the most different people and companies.

     "But to do that, I need to get out of bed..." she whispered to herself, struggling to open her eyes. Her bed wrapped her, begging for her to stay just a little bit longer, just enjoying the sunbeams. Her eyes started to feel heavy again. "Hmm, it won't hurt to sleep for another five minutes..."

     However, even before she could give in to her desire, she heard a scream. Her eyes opened in a second as she jumped out of bed. What was that? Did she hurt herself? Lara ran to the living room, where she found her best friend, Anabela Beaufort, sitting on the couch, phone on her hand.

     "Is everything okay?" Lara asked, nervously. "Why did you scream? Are you hurt?"

     "Andy Samberg has just confirmed that the Lonely Island will release a new album next year!" exclaimed Beaufort, barely containing her excitement. She stared at Lara, who had a deadly look. "What's the matter? It's great news!"

     "Anabela, it's 6 am, I have no idea who the hell Andy Samberg is, you screamed..." Lara said, trying to form a concrete sentence. "What I'm trying to say is... YOU SCARED ME!"

     "Oh, you're so dramatic!" Anabela answered, giggling. "First of all, Andy Samberg is that dreamy guy from SNL," realizing Lara still had no idea what she was talking about, she continued. "The one with the big nose! Second," she resumed speaking when her friend seemed to remember about Samberg. "I feel that if I hadn't screamed, you would've fallen asleep again, and I would've to be the one to get you out of bed. Thus, be thankful I'm a drama queen!" Beaufort concluded, laughing at her friend who rolled her eyes.

     "I'll forgive you if you make me one of those chocolate pancakes," Lara grunted while Anabela grinned harder. "Please, it's for good luck!"

     Anabela got up of the couch, agreeing to cook, but insisting on hugging Lara before walking up to the stove. The latter tried to escape from the hug but gave up when the youngest threatened to cancel the pancakes. Their friendship had always been like that since they met when kids, still in Brazil. The relationship went through difficulties, as they always do - sometimes it was difficult to reconcile the somewhat opposite personalities of the girls. Lara was shy, introverted, liked to stay in her world, and found it hard to express her feelings. Anabela, on the other hand, was very easygoing, loved to talk, was spontaneous, and incredibly open about everything. A lot of times, she was too much for Lara to handle, who then needed a break. At the same time, the difficulty of overcoming Lara's barriers was exhausting for Beaufort, who got hurt by her friend. Nonetheless, in the end, they were always there for each other.

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