School Sucks

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I'm bored. Like, really bored. I know I could be outside doing "fun" stuff like building a snowman, having a snowball fight, and all that stuff. But I feel like staying at home, safe and sound with a mug of hot choco in one hand and a t.v remote in the other.

My plan's all ruined, though. Here's what happened.

You see, yesterday was the last day of school, so I pretended I had a really bad headache just so I could miss out. I just laid in bed all day, until after about 2 hours my mom told me to get up; I said, 'I'm waaaaay too tired, and I still feel sick.'

Then the day after, just like my plan, I got up, brushed my teeth, put my long, brown hair in a messy ponytail, put a random t-shirt and shorts on. I rushed to the kitchen to make a cup of hot-choco (with extra chocolate) then sat on the soft, relaxing couch.

Then I turned the t.v on. You know what came up on the screen? Nothing. Just black. I tried again and again, but nothing worked. I called, 'mooooooooom, the teeeeeeee veeeeee is not turning onnnnnnnnnn!'

She. Told. Me. The. Electricity. Is. Cut. Off. For. A. Week.
Whaaaat? How am I supposed to charge my phone? And blow-dry my hair?
A-and... (crying)

I need to figure out what I'm going to do for the rest of my holidays.


Oh my gosh, guess who I saw today?!
I took a walk to the park with my dog, Barnaby to get him 'fit'. He's been gaing alot of weight lately, and he needs to exercise! Anyways, I bumped into a random guy. I fell back, stumbling. The boy ran his fingers through his blonde hair while talking; 'Sorry, Ohh. Ow. You okay?' I smiled; 'Uh, yeah. Sure.'

I looked up at his face clearly fpr the first time, and I noticed something about him. Did I know that guy? Blonde hair, cute green eyes, tall- 'Jasey?!' He exclaimed. I gasped. 'You're Tyler!'

We talked until it was time for me to go. Tyler told me he comes here everyday, 10 am. I should probably take a walk more often...

I had a truly bad headache today. I sat on the couch, like I'm frozen, stroking and petting Barnaby while he slept on my lap, ticking me with his bushy tail.


(^_^) Sorry anout the short chapter. Write longer next time.
Xxxx J

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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