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Which is the right way to eat cereal?

If you put the milk 1st, then the cereal wouldnt get soggy, but if u had milk left over, what're you gona do with it? You don't just drink milk out of a bowl, that's weird.

But if u put the cereal 1st, then it would get soggy, but then you wouldn't have any milk left over.

What about eating it dry?

Do you put it into a bowl, or eat it straight out of the box? Caz ur just literally just putting your germs back into the box! Like, if you were sick, and ur just eating dry cereal out of a box, your picking up the cereal with your hands, and your putting your hands in your mouth, putting germs from your mouth on your hands, then putting your hands BACK into the box, spreading the germs onto the rest of the cereal.

And if you were to go back and eat that SAME cereal that was in that SAME box that you ate out of when you were SICK then you're just unconsciously infecting yourself again.


It's the same thing with those little cups that the cereal automatically is in when you buy it!

Life is wierd.

And c0nfUs1ng-

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