Wait Parker?!?

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Finally I am out of Collage for winter break. I can use this break away from these freak shows. Honestly I love my roommates to death but I can only handle them for so long. I have pretty much everything packed for Wisconsin. Now I can start this dreaded drive and reach there at about 9:50 ish.

5 an a half hours later...

"Silent night, holy nigh all is calm all is bright, fond yon virgin mother and child," I sing out and my car slowly stops. Wait it did not just stop in this freakin snow storm did it. Damn it I was gonna be there in 15 freakin minutes. I put my coat, hat, and mittens on.
I sprint to the nearest house, and ring the door bell, and stand there and jump around. I hear the door open and look up through my eyelashes, and see someone I though I would never see again in my life. Parker Valentino. My high school crush holy lord Jesus he looks good. Dang keep your head on straight, and get to the point.

" Hey Parker its me Minnie um my car just broke down and I can't go anywhere I was wondering if I could borrow your phone or something," I ask quite sheepishly.

"Sure, come in," he steps back and gestures into his house. " I haven't seen you in forever," He states.

I chuckle " haha yeah I have been in the other side of the state studying to be a lawyer," I say a bit more confident.

"Would you like coffee or hot chocolate, or something," he offers.

" ummmm well Hot Chocolate sounds nice," I say and follow him to the kitchen.

We start talking about our collage lives, and our careers. It's nice we end up getting to know each other better. I really can't stop staring at his ocean blue eyes. They are so fucking beautiful too bad he is probably taken. We somehow end up watching my favorite Christmas movie ' Holiday in Handcuffs". I was so tired that I never even realized that I fell asleep.

****Next Morning****

I wake up from my peaceful slumber. I slowly rub my eyes open and take in my unfamiliar surroundings. Wait where am I. Slowly I remember last night, falling asleep. Ooops I blush. I sit up and grab the blanket padding over to the window to see if the snow has stopped and to my dismay it's still coming down hard. I decide that the least I can do is make breakfast for Parker.

I stumble around the kitchen banging pots and pans together. Looking for bacon, sausage, pancake mix, and some fresh fruit I begin to prepare breakfast. After I finish up the last touches I hear Parker stumble out to the kitchen.

"Morning," I blush at the half naked Parker.

"Morning," he says a bit surprised.

"Well I made breakfast to say thanks for putting me up for the night," I give him a shy smile.

"No problem you can stay as long as you need," he grins noticing my slight blush.

" Thanks," I smile one of my genuine smiles back at him.

"Sure, now let's eat I'm starving," he says clapping his hands.

We sit down to eat and I wearily wait to see what Parker thinks of the food.

"Wow," Parker says quite shocked. " you are a better cook than me and that's saying something," he winks at me.

Slightly blushing I smile. I swear he is seeing how red he can make my face turn. I had a freakin crush on him and it's not making anything easier.

**Parkers POV**

Rubbing my eyes I slightly open them and look at the clock, I slide out of bed smelling something delicious, I follow the smell to the kitchen. I see a small girl standing there, and realize it is Minnie.

"Morning," she says obviously checking me out and when she realizes this she blushes. She is so darn cute.

"Morning," I say back politely smiling back at her checking her out in her yoga pants and t-shirt.

"Well I made breakfast to say thanks for putting me up for the night," she says giving me another shy smile.

"No problem you can stay as long as you need," I grin noticing her rosy cheeks, making her blush even harder.

" Thanks,"she smiles one of her naturally beautiful smiles. She is so darn cute, ha sucks for me she is probably taken.

"Sure, now let's eat I'm starving," I say clapping my hands and looking at the food.

Sitting down I notice she eagerly waits for me to try my breakfast and I chuckle a bit at how she is like an eager child.

"Wow," I say trying to appease her. " I think your a better cook than me and that's saying something," I wink at her. I have got to say her food is like heaven in my mouth. I notice she starts to madly blush and I chuckle. Wow she really knows how to make me smile.

Christmas with my High School CrushWhere stories live. Discover now