Chapter 2

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"Girls, dinners ready!" Alice yelled from downstairs.



"Ms. Mcray, thank you so much for dinner." I tell her gratefully as I look up from my clean plate. "Oh sweetheart, it was no problem at all. You are one of my favorite guests to have over." She replied smiling at me. My cheeks became a pinkish shade of rose. Meg looked at me with a smirk as I gave her a death stare, silently begging her not to say anything. She gave me one of her 'I'm about to fuck shit up' looks. My eyes went wide as her mouth opened to start boiling the tea. "Hey mom, I'm getting kinda tired. Y/n's mom needs her home before 11:30. Would you mind driving her home for me?" "Of course I'll drive her home. Y/n, do you need to grab anything before you go?" She questioned. My palms started to sweat, my heart stared to pound, I bit my lip (out of habit), and nodded my head before following Meg up to her room with angry eyes.

"What the hell was that, Meg? I thought you had my back with this!" I scolded her pointing at the door. She laughed at me and fell back onto her bed and held her stomach, while tears formed in my eyes. She noticed my state of frustration and stopped. She walked up to me and pulled me into her arms. My head laid on her chest and my tears soaked into her t-shirt while her held me. "Hey, I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. But if she finds out what's the worst that could happen?" "Let's see, she could tell my mom, never let me hang out with you again, hate me forever, and I could never live with myself knowing the woman I have the biggest crush on hates my guts." I cry harder into Meg's shoulder.

After calming myself down I grab my bag, hug Meg goodbye, and slowly make my way downstairs. I mentally prepared myself for the drive to come, considering I live around thirty minutes away from Meg and Alice.

Once I was in the car, Alice tried to start a conversation with me but I felt so dirty that it just turned into small talk.

"So, how are your siblings doing? I heard your brother is going to law school."

"They're fine." I reply simply. She nodded her head in response but stayed quiet after that. we had been on the rode for about ten minutes when Alice's emotions seemed to change. Huh? "Alice, are you alright? You seem... off." Alice looked at me for a second then put her eyes back on the road. "No. I'm fine, I just-" She stopped herself. then asked "Do you mind if we pull over for a minute?" I shook my head and we pulled over on the abandoned road. She put the car in park and then turned to me. "Do you ever... do you ever think about... what it would be like with- with a w-woman?" I was taken aback by the question. Fuck, does she know? Does-does she think she knows? Calm down, just calm down. Everything is gonna be fine. Just act normal. You'll be fine.

"W-why do you ask?" "Well, I just... god. Don't you think it's funny that I trust you more than your mother? A woman who has been my bestfriend for twenty years. I trust her daughter more than I trust her." She trust me? "You don't have t-to tell me. It's really none of my business." Alice noticed my shaking body and started to worry. "Oh, Sweetheart, you're trembling. Here, take my jacket. You must be freezing." She took her jacket off and put it around my shoulders. As she wrapped the jacket around me her face came close to mine. She looked down at my lips then back at my eyes and I did the same.

I leaned into her and our lips connected into a sweet, soft, loving kiss. I pulled away and looked into her eyes before she connected our lips once again, this time it had a slight hunger to it. I held her face in my hands while her hands rested on the back of my neck and my waist. To my surprise, Alice slipped her tongue into my mouth making me moan. I felt her smile into the kiss. The air started to become thin so we both pulled away at the same time. I kept my one of my hands on her cheek, caressing it. Our foreheads touched as I closed my eyes wanting to remember the feeling of her lip, considering the fact that this might be my first and last kiss with a woman. "I've never kissed a woman before." Alice said in a mere whisper. "Neither have I. Did you like it?" I asked. "Believe it or not, I loved it." She replied then softly pecked my lips multiple times, in which I returned. We both pulled back and smiled at each other. "Let's get you home, sweetheart."

"Alice wait." She turned back to me. "Is this just an experimental thing or do you have feelings for me?" I asked while tears filled my eyes. "Hey. Look at me." I turned to face her as a single tear fell from my eye. "If you'll let me, I'd like to give us a chance."

"But what about Buck?"

"He's been cheating on me for months now and tomorrow I'm going to confront him and I'm filing for divorce. I'm done with him. I've been done with him. Hell we don't even sleep in the same room anymore, let alone the same bed. And that house is mine. He moved into my home after we got married and now he acts like he runs the place. But I don't want him. I want you. Do you know how long I've admired you?" I shook my head while tears kept falling and Alice whipped him away. "On your nineteenth birthday, something just clicked in my head and just thought to myself 'Wow. What a girl'" I Leaned in and kissed Alice again.

"Now, lets's get you home before your mother butchers us both."

Hi guys! I hope you guy are enjoying this story.  This is like lowkey gonna be my favorite story. Anyways, I love you all, my beautiful angels.


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