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Min Yoongi

It's already eleven pm when I finished watching some underground rap battles. I don't do rap battle anymore but that doesn't make me stop enjoying it. It only takes me ten minutes of walking to get to the house but I can sense footsteps walking way too in sync with mine as if they're following me. I keep walking normally so whoever the person is wont notice that I am already alerted. I took a turn on the narrow alley road and hide behind a dumpster. The man walks past without noticing me. I steadily jump behind him to block his escape route back to the main streets.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" I ask him with his back still facing me.

"A normal person would have just ran without confronting the stalker, you know. You caught me off guard and had the chance to escape but you trapped me instead." He chuckles lowly. He has a foreign accent and broken Korean, I tilt my head in confusion. "I should be the one asking, who are you, Min Yoongi?"

My heart dropped when I heard him said my name. His voice is not familiar and his figure resembles no one I could think of but how'd he know me and how did he find me? The man turns around, allowing me to see his face in complete darkness. This is the first time I ever met him.

"I'm Ryan Wong," He smirks. "I have business with one of your associates, Kim Namjoon."

"Then you should have searched for him, not me." I feel like taking to him further wont get me anything good so I choose to walk away from him.

"I don't have his phone number anymore," He sighs as he walks to my side. "There's no one better than Kim Namjoon at hiding. Finding his associates is a piece of cake, you Suga or Min Yoongi, Park Jimin, J-Hope or Jung Hoseok, and Jeon Jungkook. I know where you guys stay as well, I dropped by earlier but I don't think he was there. I came to you to ask for a favor, can you ring him up?"

I am gobsmacked. I stare at his face sternly without saying a word. What kind of fucking weirdo have you bumped into, Namjoon? This Ryan guy doesn't look like a threat although I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. A part of me is curious to know what kind of business Namjoon has with this weirdo so I decided to take my phone and ring Namjoon's number. Ryan smiles as I put the phone on loudspeaker for him to hear the ringing tune.

"What's up? You done with the rap battles?" Namjoon spoke as he answered the phone on the fourth ring.

"Yeah," I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "I bumped into some kind of a weirdo, he said his name is Ryan Wong. Does the name ring a bell? He claimed to have a business with you."

"Ryan Wong? Is this on loudspeaker?" Namjoon asked. He sounded rather amused by the name.

"Joon!" Ryan greets, "You haven't updated to me in a while, I've always wondered what you've been up to."

"I had a lot of work," Joon replied shortly. "Shouldn't you be in the US though? What are you doing in South Korea?"

"I flew all the way to ask a favor from you as a friend and a fellow partner. Can we talk somewhere more private?"

"I see," Namjoon trails, "You can come by my place. Whatever favor that you're gonna ask, you'll probably need my teammates as well. Go with Yoongi, I'll see you there."

With that, Namjoon hung up the call. This man still looks shady to me. How did he manage to get to our safe house and realized Namjoon wasn't there without actually going into the place? Namjoon said this guy is supposed to be in the US and the fact that I'd probably get involved whatever the guy is asking doesn't connect the dots.

"You heard him, lead the way," Ryan smirks as he casually whistles beside me. "You can ask questions for a head start if you want, I don't mind."

"I don't feel like talking to you," I said without giving him a single glace. I continue to walk in fast pace so I don't have to spend a longer time with this shady man that came out of nowhere.

I'd like to know what this guy is up to but it's not like it matters a lot since I'd be hearing what he has to say later in the house anyway. What's bugging me the most is the fact that he knows him but I don't know him. He knows every single of Namjoon's associates except Jin. Well, to be fair Jin is not exactly Joon's associate yet but it still bugs me how much he knows. I guess I'll just have to wait until I get home and hear what kind of favor this guy is asking.

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