chapter twenty six.

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chapter six - "crazy eyes"

sadie, malcom, jack and ayla were all sitting on a couch in the studio basement. "so you guys can come over tonight?"  "yep." the band answered. "will i ask finn?" she offered. "he going on a date." malcom said with a voice crack, they all decided before hand that someone has to break the news and malcom offered. "he's going on a WHAT?!" sadie throw her hand up in the air. "he said you friend zoned him." jack added trying to soften the blow. "no, i said we should catch up, how is that friend zoning the boy i have been in love with for 3 years?!" she stood up and started pacing her room, head in her hands. "don't stress out, he's still obsessed with you, but not in a weird way in a romantic way." ayla added with a cheesy grin. "is she pretty? oh i bet she's pretty." "yeah, she's beautiful." "malcom." ayla shrieked and hit him on the arm. "this is a picture." jack showed her instagram profile. "oh my god, she's gorgeous, you know what it's fine, it's not like he's my boyfriend or something." "she has crazy eyes, don't worry." malcom said. "crazy eyes?" sadie and ayla said in unison. "yeah, crazy can tell by a girls eyes that she's's a guy thing." "a guy thing...sorry jack forgot you were so manly." ayla said through laughter. "anyways let's go back to my house." malcom and finn shared one, they liked the freedom, but also enjoyed each others company.

"wait why is the picture of all of us together not on the shelf anymore?" sadie asked while they were watching a movie, all spread out across the living room floor. finn was still out. "finn must of moved it before his date." jack said causally. sadie rolled her eyes and looked down. "what was that?" ayla asked rather loudly. "what was what?" said looked up from her hands with a puzzled look on her face. "that look? your more hurt about this date than your letting on right?" ayla said raising her eyebrows. sadie just stared blankly. "right?" ayla said louder last time trying to get sadie to admit to it. "yeah, i guess...but we both need to move on." sadie shrugged her shoulders. "noo! don't move on-." jack shouted. "jack stop it's fine-." ayla started. "it's not ayla, you obviously still love each other, i- i don't think finn will be happy with anyone else." "well jack, we will have to be fine with it, okay." malcom added. "we don't have to we can stop him." jack started arguing back. "guys it's fine just leave it." sadie said calming causing everyone to go back to the movie. malcom told sadie that finn and megan will be coming back to the house, if she wants to stop finn, she can.

sadie was sitting on her bed, stalking finns instagram. she decided that she wasn't over him and she probably never will be. "maybe i should call him." she whispered, the idea had crossed her mind a few times that night. maybe she could go to his house and move the make him feel guilty. yes that's the perfect idea and with that she ran to the car. and headed to the house.

she walked in the door, malcom left it unlocked. he told her maybe she should stop him. no one was home. she let out a sigh of relief and walked over the picture and moved it back to the shelf. the door opened. shit. she hid on the other side of the couch. "do you want a beer?" finn offered megan. sadie thought she was prettier in person. "sure." megan said with a smile. finn returned one. they met at a coffee shop. jack told her the whole story about how she order a pumpkin spice latte and finn said "how do they fit a pumpkin in that cup?" and hit it off from they're. "how do they fit a pumpkin in they're?" megan stated making a joke causing finn to laugh. sadie should have never came here he was happy and that's what she wanted. while finn was looking in the couch sadie tried to make her way out but instead smashed the picture frame that she had just moved. "what was that?!" finn shouted in. "i dropped my keys!" megan shouted back. she didn't notice. finn walked in and noticed the smashed up picture frame. "did you do that?" he picked it up. sadie felt guilty, now he probably thinks megan's crazy. "no." megan furthered her eyebrows and glanced at the picture. "is that sadie?" finn told her about me, sadie thought. "yeah." he said with no emotion. they sat on the couch. "can i stare into your eyes for a minute?" finn said out of nowhere. oh no they are going to kiss. but in reality malcom had told finn about the crazy eyes she had and he wanted to see if it was true. "i like your eyes too." megan said rather with a rather flirty tone. "yeah stop blinking." she stared leaning in. sadie can't let this happen. "STOP!!!" she jumped from behind the couch and got in between the two.

"sadie, what the hell?!" finn stated. she put her hand out for megan to shake. "sadie." "megan." finn helped her up. "what are you doing here?" finn asked still in a state of shock. "i- i sorry i shouldn't have came here." she ran out. sitting on the stairs outside his house thinking about what she had just done.


she heard a voice from behind her.



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