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Stand up sisters
I will be by your side
I will use my privilege to make your voices be heard

We will not sit idly by
As young men and women are struck wrongfully
I will fight along with you

Let them hear our cries of anguish
And our words of anger
We will be a force to be reckoned with

Because now again is the time
To rise up and scream from your lungs
That this will not be tolerated any longer.

Black Lives Matter. Racism and corruption within the government systems need to be put a stop to. Stand up together, and do whatever you can. Donate, protest, sign petitions, and raise awareness. Continue talking, sharing and posting about BLM after news outlets stop covering it. BLM is not a trend, its a serious issue. Do your part. Stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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