Chapter 1

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Author's Note: [ ] is everyone texting in the chatroom. Hope you enjoy my story!

Throughout her entire life, Toniann Hamato had never felt like she had a place.

She had two older brothers and a dad who wasn't what he seemed.

To the outside world, he was a kind, rich man, but to Toniann, he was something much more sinister.

Things had gotten bad after Toniann's mom had passed away.

It was almost as if he blamed her for the events that had taken place two years ago.

About three months ago, her and her father had gotten into their worst fight yet.

She knew what she had said to him was wrong, but it was already too late.

Her father grew sick of the situation they had found themselves in, and he decided to call his nephew, to take her in.

Before she knew it, Toniann was living in Korea and was the newest and youngest member of the RFA.

She had settled in nicely, getting along well with all of the members in the RFA, and happily living in Jumin's penthouse.

Specifically, she was the closest with Seven and Yoosung.

They were the closest to her age, and the three of them had a lot in common with each other.

They always joked around with each other and hung out from time to time when they were all free.

They really were her two best friends.

In the chatroom, the three of them were an annoyance to the other RFA members.

Currently, the chatroom was active and Toniann, Seven, Zen and Jumin were online, talking.

But, as always there was something else going on.

At the moment, Jumin and Zen were having an argument.

It was the usual petty argument where Zen would attack Jumin for breathing.

This one wasn't very serious, so the others would tease them.

[Come on guys, don't get your panties in a twist. You're both pretty.] Toniann texted in the chat, a smile forming on her face as she laid down on the couch in the living room.

[This is between me and Jumin. Hush Toniann.] Zen replied angrily to her message, just wanting to fight with Jumin in peace.

[It's ridiculous that we are even having an argument about this.] Jumin replied back to him, clearly agitated beyond belief.

She would fuel the fire, by making Zen angry, further pushing the fight.

[Yeah come on guys. Just get along.] Seven added, catching Toniann's drift on what she was trying to do.

Her and Seven would always team up and mess with the other members.

She always enjoyed doing this with him.

[Ugh. Shush both of you. This doesn't involve either of you.] Zen's texts started getting more hostile.

[Little Zenny is angry~] Toniann teased him, a smile forming on her face as she typed.

[It seems he is~ Aw Zenny do you need a hug?] Seven egged on.

[Shut up Seven! I don't want that!] Zen sent an angry emoji.

Zen has left the chatroom.

Toniann smiled to herself as her efforts to mess with Zen had paid off.

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