Chapter 9: Feel You

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Chapter 9: Feel You

"Scott?" I turned to face him in bed. 

"Yes Mitch?" He replied. There had been something bothering me, something I wanted to ask him but I didn't quite know how to bring it up although he probably already knew what it was since he liked to use his mind reading powers on me all the time. "Just ask me already..." He smiled.

"What was it like? I you remember how you died?" I suddenly felt really bad about asking him and I turned away, I mean if I had died horribly I wouldn't want to talk about it. He rolled onto his back and let out a long sigh. 

"I do remember it, very vividly actually." 

"It's don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I shouldn't have asked." I said quietly.

"You don't have to apologize. I don't mind telling you. I was at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change and...I remember looking down at my drink feeling sad that you weren't with me. I told myself in that moment that it was ok and that I would tell you I loved you as soon as you got home." I looked back at him searching his face for emotion but he had this blank expression on his face. "When the light finally changed I did what we're taught to do as kids, look both ways before crossing the street and I didn't see anyone coming. So I started to cross, and before I knew it this black car was speeding towards me. Everything happened so fast and I just remember opening my eyes and trying to make sense of what hapened. I think I was in shock at first but then the pain came. I tried to move and I felt excruciating pain course through my entire body." As he spoke I could feel tears rolling down my face and I wanted to reach out and hug him tightly but I knew I couldn't. No one should have to go through what he went through, no one should be put through that much pain. "Then there were noises and people all around me and I was being moved which only made the pain intensify to where I litterally passed out from it. When I awoke everything was in a blur and I wasn't sure what was going on but I knew it was bad. All I could think about was you and how I wasn't going to be able to tell you how I felt. I knew I was dying, I could feel myself fading...and I wanted you to be with me but...then again I didnt want you to see me like that either." He stopped when he saw my tears and his expression changed from blank to sad. "Mitchie...please don't cry. It's over now and I'm here...everything is ok babe." He smiled and reached out to touch my cheek. I closed my eyes waiting to feel the coldness of his hand going through my skin but instead I felt warmth. I opened my eyes and saw his hand had made contact with my skin.

"Scott! I can feel you!" I squeeled and let the now tears of joy fall freely down my cheek and over his hand. He looked into my eyes and slowly leaned in to press his lips aganst mine. I can't even begin to describe to you the sensation I felt as our lips touched. It was like a warm, tingling spark went through my lips and I felt so overwhelmed with multiple emotions that I had to back up and break contact. "What the hell was that?" I asked out of breath, staring into his sparkling blue eyes. 

"I don't know felt amazing!" And he was right. Whatever that was between us was perfect and if that was how it would always be with us then god damn sign me UP! "You're so ridicuos sometimes Mitch." Scott laughed and I knew he heard my thought just now. I smirked and attempted to lay my head on his chest but I sank through him. Sat up and frowned at the ruined moment. "I guess it's going to take more time...but hey at least we made some progress right?" Good old Scott always looking at the positive.

"I guess..." I just wanted to be able to hug him, but I was pretty content with the kiss. Wait til Kirstie hears about this!

"You WHAT?! REALLY?!!" Kirstie squeeled and then the two of us giggled like children in a toy store. "How was it? Did you guys like make out?" She asked anxiously.

"No, it was just one kiss Kirst, but it was...amazing! I've never felt anything like that before..." I trailed off remembering how I had tried to lay my head on his chest with no luck. 

"What is it?" She asked seeing my expression change.

"Well after I tried to cuddle with him but, no luck with that. Just the one kiss. Scott say's it'll probably take more time." I pushed my bottom lip out and crossed my arms pouting like a child who wants candy when their mom won't let them have any. 

"It'll be ok Mitch, at least you got to feel him in some way. I mean he still can't touch me so you're pretty lucky you two have such a strong connection." She reasoned and rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. The thought of he and I together made me smile. I could just see us in the future still being together, him popping up behind me to scare me on purpose and me getting annoyed with him constantly. "Yeah you're right. So far things have been working out for us so...I'll just be patient but let me tell you, that is not my strong point." Kirstie laughed and nodded in agreement, which made me hit her arm playfully. 

"What? You're the one who said it not me!" She laughed.

"Yeah but you're not supposed to agree with me!" She smirked.

"Well I believe in being honest." I glared at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. 

"You two crack me up." Both of us jumped at the sight of Scott appearing beside us. 

"SCOTT! You scared the pee out of me!" Kirstie breathed and then glared at him. 

"Welcome to my life, he does this non-stop to me!" I complained. 

"Oh stop being such a baby!" We watched as he reached over to try to push a peice of hair from Kirstie's face, and suddenly her eyes widened and she looked over at me. 

"I feel...I feel this weird warm sensation. Scott I think it's working!" She said excitedly. He wasn't able to move the hair from her face but she did feel something from his touch. 

"Finally! Just ait pretty soon I'll be tackling you both and tickling you like crazy!" 

"Oh no you WON'T!" I yelled and he laughed and ran away from us giggling.

"He's such a nutball." Kirstie laughed and shook his head. 

"Yes he is..." I sighed and looked in the direction he ran to. It's so weird that he died, and remembers everything, all th epain and suffereing he went through and he can still be so positive and happy. I wish I could be like him, so strong and brave. But without Scott I was nothing but a pathetic loser who couldn't make it on my own. If Scott hadn't come back I would have eventually killed myself. I looked up from my train of thought to see Scott scowling at me and I shrugged. I knew he heard every thought I had just now but I don't think I cared. 

"What's wrong?" Kirstie asked looking at Scott who was still focussed on me. 

"Nothing just zoned out for a moment..." Scott lied and I nodded trying to not show that anything was wrong. 

"Alright well I'm gonna go. Jeremy's taking me out tonight." I stood up and walked her to the door. 

"Have a good time! I'll text you tomorrow girl!" I said cheerfully and hugged her. 

"Use protection boys..." She smirked and ran out before I had a chance to hit her. I turned back around to see Scott scowling at me again and I knew exactly what he was about to say. 

"No you don't..."

"Scott...please don't read my thoughts." I sighed and sat down on the couch. 

"Mitch, you're not pathetic. You were greiving and everyone handles things differently. You would have gotten over it with time, I know you wouldv''re stronger than you think." He reassured me. He touched my shoulder and I felt the same tingling and warmth that I felt before.

"How do you know I wouldv'e been ok?" He smiled.

"Because I know you better than you know yourself." It was my turn to smile now. He was so confident in me and it made me feel like I could do anything. He had shaken up my entire world by dying and then shook it up again when he came back, but right now, feeling his touch and seeing the love in his eyes...this right here is perfect.

"You're perfect..."

"Scott......." I grumbled seeing his cheeky grin. This is how my life is going to be from now on...him runining perfect moments with his silliness. But hey, I guess I'm ok with it.

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