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You awoke with the bright early morning sun in her face. She knew she wasn't getting anymore sleep so she heaved herself up and looked at the clock.


She sighed and got dressed and everything else essential to getting ready for the day. As she walked into the living room she saw it empty as always. She didn't live with her parents because they threw her out, because of her "curse". She threw on a heavy hoodie and put the hood up. She grabbed a bagel and strolled out the door.

Feeling the morning sun beam down on her face she smiled up at the sun with tired eyes. "Today seems to be pretty nice.." You
muttered to herself. She ran past all the board walks many attractions and found her way to the beach.

After finding a good rock to sit on she yawned and watched the waves swallow up the shore and retreat back to the ocean. It was nice and peaceful. She took out her bagel and watched the waves for awhile in the mean time devouring the bagel.

She looked around and saw a big hill with a statue at the side, holding a big wooden house. She walked closer to investigate and saw how big the place was. "Wow" she whispered to herself.

She found a path up the hill and trekked up it. She finally made her way to the top and looked down. Her eyes widened. She could see everything even her house from up here. There was nothing she could miss.

She saw everyone go about their daily lives while she watched everything. It was cool to see everything that was going on. She sighed and turned to the waves. They made her feel welcome. They didn't turn her away like everyone else did. Or would they? You just can never predict people huh?

She felt lost. Like she always did. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice.


She snapped around to see a boy with curly black hair with a black shirt holding a star and a pink jacket.

"Umm hi" you responded
"Whatcha doin around here?" The boy asked.
" just watching the waves" you answered uneasily
"Cool, mind if I join?" The boy asked
" Sure" you responded

Damn it she shouldn't have said that. The last thing she wanted to do was socialize.

"By the way, I'm Steven"

Yn have him a look for a moment. So I guess this is Steven the one I hear everyone talking about...

"I'm Yn" she eventually replied.
"Cool name!" He smiled at you.
"Not really, but thanks" you responded tiredly.

It was late in the afternoon now and the waves have gotten smaller. Yn rested her head on the gate and looked down.

Steven broke the silence "there aren't much waves out here"

"Well there were more when I first came..." You muttered

Steven got onto the ground.

"What are you doing?" Yn said with a confused tone .

"Watching the clouds since there aren't any waves" he shrugged

"Okay then..." Yn muttered .

She got down onto the ground next to him. She enjoyed this and could very well get used to this. She sighed and looked at the clouds. She couldn't really tell why it was so interesting though... They were just clouds. But she had to admit it was fun.

She just met this kid though... Why did he even want to talk to her? She looked at him for a bit. Soon he looked right back at her. They just let their eyes meet for a bit. It was nice.

He soon looked away and went back to the clouds in the now dusk turning sky. She got up and brushed off her clothes.

"Hey I'm going to head home now. Nice to meet you though" you smiled at him.

"Aww bye I'll see you tomorrow though right?" He asked.

Tomorrow? She hadn't even thought of seeing him again at all. It seemed odd though no one has ever been so eager to hang out with her. She didn't know how to respond.

"Umm sure?" Yn replied cautiously.

She walked off down the hill and watched Steven fade still sitting on his spot on the hill.

Yn smiled, She would see him again.


Sorry if this chapter was short but I hope you enjoyed it as my first chapter of my first book :D

I'll try to upload the next chapter soon maybe next weekend maybe this one who knows!? I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also sorry if the spelling may be bad.... after a while I spell check everything and edit it so sorry if the spelling is a bit off at first.

.*My universe*. yandere! steven X neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now