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"What do you mean you're at Eunwoo's house?" 
"It's nothing can you just come pick me up?" Beomyoo said trying to avoid that her and Eunwoo fought.
"How do you even know Eunwoo?" Jun asked.
"It's a long story can you please just pick me up" Beomyoo asked.
"Yeah I can wait one second I'll be over soon"

Beomyoo tried her best to make it look like she wasn't crying so Jun wouldn't question it.

Jun came over quickly and ran to Beomyoo, he engulfed her in a big hug. Not even noticing Beomyoo in Eunwoo's hoodie.
"Are you ok?!?!" Jun asked worrying.
"I'm fine I just needed someone to pick me up" Beomyoo said reassuring the older male.
"Ok then... Let's go!" Jun said as he held Beomyoo's hands firmly.


Eunwoo was sitting at his desk trying to cool off. He knew it wasn't ok to yell at Beomyoo like that, and he knew that she didn't know she wasn't aloud to be in his office.

He was mostly angry at himself now he was such a dick and he knew it.

"Fuck" he said under his breath.

His head was full of thoughts he couldn't think properly. He was alone he couldn't call Jun Beomyoo most likely told Jun already, he didn't want to tell his members he's supposed to be strong in front of them.

Eunwoo never felt this weak this powerless.

"Why am I such a weak person over her what makes her different from everyone else, if this was someone else I wouldn't be beating myself up over this." Eunwoo told himself.
He got a text from Junhee.

What did you do!?


Don't lie to me why
Was Beomyoo outside
Your house crying?!

I don't know???

Eunwoo don't play
Fucking dumb with

Eunwoo decided not to answer Jun he didn't want to talk about right now, especially with Jun.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒|𝐂𝐡𝐚 𝐄𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now