Clara La Rue: The Wonder Years 09

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Well this sucks!

I woke up and started the day with Shiena just arriving with bad news. The mansion where we got our resources was long gone because of exterminators (what we call dracs in groups like a school of fish or a pack of wolves) blew it up and turned the entire subdivision into a facility. There will be no surviving crops but cacti growing around the dessert. In the mean time, we don't eat today to savor the last ration we manage to have, which is fine by me because I'm not hungry. I lock myself in my room, observing the map that Dr. D gave me a few days ago. I heard a clicking noise and someone knocked at my door. "Come in!" I said. I hear clicking on the door again and realized I actually locked the door.

I was actually expecting Shiena wondering why I'm always cooped up at my room. Or Tammy if I wanted some coffee. Turns out, it was Gee peeping in.
"Hey." I greeted.
"Hey... You busy?" he started asking me, looking at the map. I turned to where he was looking.
"Not really... Just checking the map." I replied.
"I see... You've been cooped up here ever since Dr. D gave you the map. I was just checking if you're okay."
"I'm okay. Thanks for asking."

And the awkward silence came in. We're both were just looking at each other and left our gaze.
"So... Is there anything that's been bothering you?" I asked him, deciding the silence. He turned to me with a look that said 'how did you know?'.
"You want to talk about it?" I followed up another question.
He nodded. I let him in as we both took a seat on the desk right next to my bed. "So what's the problem?" I asked as I went on shrink mode. Gee sighed.
"It's about... Punk Poison."

"The one who own this room?"

He nodded silently.

"Oh..." I felt silent myself but continued. "Hope if you don't mind asking but," I paused for a second. "is she the one you've been referring to Dr. D?"

"Yea..." he sighed straight forward. "She went missing when we rescued Grace when she was a baby back then. We've been chased by exterminators after they killed Grace's mom. I told Punk to flee with her but she refused. She told me she knows that I've got a bigger bounty on my head and let me leave with Grace while she holds them back. And I never saw her ever since."

I felt speechless for the first time. Her bravery and selflessness reminded me of Christian when he tried to save me. "She reminded me of a friend of mine back at the facility." I mumbled, but I guess Gee heard me when he turned to my place with a curious look. I sighed. "It's my friend. The one who made my guns." He then changed his expession to let me know he's listening. I let out a sigh again.

"His name was Christian. I met him at BL/ind along with Pink Bullet and Shy Guy. They're the only one who taught me, and the only people I can trust back the . And... I helped them escape in return." Gee nodded to let me go on. I explained how we manage to get out of there alive. The explosions we created and the lives we've lost. When I mentioned the girl named Bandit who started it all, he flinched.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me with a look that I can't explain. It was a mixture of dread and hope.

"How did you know..." he said.

"Know what?"

"Punk Poison's real name?"

My eyes grew wider as I grew in panic. I already saw her and I didn't even get the chance to help her. I knew that she means a lot to him but I didn't know she was... Her. I suddenly felt guiltier.

"Shaw-- Shy Guy told me who she was. I saw her collapse when we were working. We thought she--" I stopped and turned back to him. His expression was dark. "Im so sorry. I didn't--" This is pointless I thought. How could I tell him she died? I could even remember how the Commander even confirmed it. But Shaen did say she was clever and that chances are that she have escaped. Shiena even seconded that theory. I never knew where she got it from but since I'm talking to her father, I guess it all made sense. And in that moment, I believe she could be alive somewhere out there.
I turned to my desk where the map was and a light bulb appeared. "Don't worry! We'll definitely find her!" I said, trying to cheer up the mood.

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