Chapter 14 - Hello Kitty

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~Few Hours Before~ *Lewis' P.o.V*

Finally finished all of my editing! Got nothing to do so I might as well go home, I walk to Hannah's office and walked in "Hey, Hannah? I'm leaving now." I kissed her forehead as she said goodbye and waved me off. Once I got home I went to my room and fell straight asleep.

*1 Hour Later*

I woke to the smell of smoke 'what the?' I looked around for Hannah but she wasn't in. I started to panic, I walked into the living room to see the house was on fire! 'shit!' I ran to the door, trying to open it. It wouldn't budge! The fire started to spread and more and more smoke was filling the air I think I started having an asthma attack because I couldn't breathe. Yep definitely an asthma attack! I put my hand on my throat while trying to find my inhaler. Eventually I gave up.

My head started spinning as I heard the sound of people shouting. One of them sounded like Hannah....but I couldn't be sure because of the sirens from the Fire Trucks blocking most of it out. I couldn't even stand, heck I couldn't even move as something fell ontop of my legs. I was trapped and probably going to die! It was getting extremely hot and difficult to keep my eyes open. Soon I couldn't take it any longer, I passed out.

*Hannah's P.o.V*

I was walking back home when I saw smoke coming from our house and by the looks of it, it wasn't just burnt food. It was a fire! I called 999 (or 911 for anybody) and called for the fire department. I screamed out of Lewis but my voice got cut of by the sounds of sirens, the fire men all got out, started putting gas masks on and went in to put out the fire.

The fire had alerted a lot of the people around, I saw Simon running over

"Hannah.. What happened?" he asked, trying to catch his breathe.

"I don't know. I came home and I saw smoke and....and Lewis is in there!" I cried. We both watched as one of the men came out with a figure over his shoulder. LEWIS! He looked badly burnt, they put him in the ambulance and drove off. I decided to phone Cat.

~The Present~ *Cat's P.o.V*

I ran up to the phone, it was Hannah,

"Hey Hannah what's up?"

"It's...Its Lewis!" She sounded like she had been crying,

"What?! What happened?"

"There was a fire and....and Lewis was home. He's in hospital!"

"Okay, I'll meet you there." We both said our goodbyes and hung up, I turned round to face Turps "That was Hannah"

"What did she want?" He asked,

"She said....L-Lewis.." I couldn't finish as I bursted into tears. Turps pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back "Lewis' house..caught fire and h-he was in there...they've taken him to hospital"

"Well lets go" He said walking outside.

*Skip To The Hospital*

We walked inside to see Hannah and Simon talking, Hannah looked like she'd been crying a lot. We sat next to them until a nurse came over and asked if any of us were relatives, I stood up and she showed me to Lewis' room. I sat down next to him as the nurse left me

"I'm so sorry Lewis. Why'd it have to be you? Please wake up....I need my big brother" I over heard that he had broken his leg and was going to bave surgery for his burned and he also had an asthma attack and he might not wake up. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran out of the hospital crying, I heard Turps shouting for me but I just ignored him.

I had tears streaming down my face as I turned a cornor into a unfamiliar alley way, then I heard what I though I would never hear again,

"Hello Kitty!"

Very emotional chapter as well as Lewis being in hospital 'He' is back.. (Its says Hello Kitty :333)

Bigcat, Over and Out

Saved By My Brother (Yogscast Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang