N (Hakyeon) - The Bad Boy & The Good Girl Part 1

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"Ringggg!" the school bell rang. I quickly gathered my books from my locker and rushed to the last lesson of the day, Biology. Biology is my favourite subject (though I suck at it). It's so interesting and it helps me learn new knowledge of various living things like us humans and even plants! I love everything about Biology lessons. Wait, not everything. There's one thing that I HATE for Biology lesson, which is sitting next to the bad boy, N aka Cha Hakyeon.

I swear every moment beside him is like hell. He annoys the shit out of me, he distracts me in class (probably the reason why I suck at Biology), he teases me all the freaking time! I mean seriously. Just thinking of this makes me cringe. Trying my best to push away all the awful thoughts, I walked into class.

"Hey Youngie," N called out. Urgh can he just shut up. My name is Jinyoung, NOT Youngie. Putting on a poker face, I placed my books gently on the table and sat beside him. My plan today is to IGNORE him. "Did you sleep well? I guess not because your face is swollen and you look absolutely horrible right now!" he laughed, playing with my hair. What? Really? I swear my face looked alright this morning! Urgh, bear with it Jinyoung. He's probably just fooling you. You can do this.

"Class, please turn to page 124 and read it. I will ask some questions later," the teacher announced. Flipping to the page, I started reading the notes diligently. I was immersed in the book till I felt someone poking my shoulder.

I knew it was N and I tried to ignore him, but apparently he wasn't going to give up. "What?!" I whisper-yelled. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Which page are we supposed to turn to?" he asked innocently. Annoyed, I pointed to the page on my book and continued reading. "Thank you, Youngie," he whispered next to my ear. His voice send me chills down my spine. Why am I so affected by him?

As soon as lesson ended, I quickly left the classroom. I wanted to stay away from N as far as possible. He's giving me weird feelings! A week ago, I caught him staring at me during lesson and I blushed. I literally blushed! Why would I blush when my ultimate enemy (okay not really enemy but sort of like the world's most irritating person) is staring at me? Then two days ago, I accidentally made eye contact with him during lunch time and he winked at me. You hear me people. I have to admit he's pretty hot when he does that. But I don't know what he's trying to do and I'm determined not to let him mess with my feelings.

"What are you thinking, Youngie?" a familiar voice pulled me back to reality. It was N. "Back off Hakyeon," I snapped at him. He was shocked and for a second I thought I saw a tiny bit of fear in his eyes. Was I too harsh? "Not until you stop your sassiness. You're pretty cute when you're pissed you know," N smirked. Nevermind, I take back my words. And what? Did he just called me cute? My cheeks were burning and I was looking down at my shoes to hide them. "What do you want?" I asked, avoiding his gaze.

There was silence. I knew he was there and he heard my question but why isn't he answering? Hesitantly, I look up. N was smiling at me. "What?" I asked, my eyes widened. "You left your pencil case back there," he said, "Here." Oh. Okay. Somehow, I felt disappointed. "Thanks," I said, taking the pencil case from him.

Just then, he started walking closer towards me and I backed off nervously. Can the annoying N come back because this is getting a little creepy. I leaned against the locker and he leaned closer to me. I gulped. I was nervous and my heart was racing. He placed one arm next to me against the lockers and leaned into me. I could feel his body pressing against mine. "W-What are you t-trying to do?" I yammered.

"I've been liking you since last year you when transferred to this school. I'm the bad boy and you're the good girl and I couldn't find a way to approach you," he said, "But my feelings continue to grow and when I get to know more about you, you aren't really such a good girl after all, are you, Jinyoung-sshi?" N smirked at me. Everything was happening too fast for me. 15 minutes ago he was such an asshole who can't stop annoying me and now he's confessing his feelings for me? What in the world. "So Youngie, will you accept my love? I want you to be my girlfriend," he whispered into my ear which sent me chills again.

Will I? Am I supposed to accept his feelings for me? Do I like him too? "I...," I couldn't find words to form a sentence. I was so surprised.


will jinyoung accept n and be his girlfriend? *sings apink i don't know* hehe, find out yourselves! :)

remember, requests are always open!! (please send in some requests and tell me your bias in VIXX T-T)

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Question Of The Day:
How old are you? :)
(i'll tell you my age in the next update if people comment or i'll just be talking to myself which isn't really fun you know!)

please comment! i would love to get to know more starlights!! VIXX hwaiting! :)

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