Chapter 2 - Banana Bread

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Audrey's POV :

we spent some quality time at the now Parker's residence and by quality time I mean my mom and Alissa (Mrs Parker) catching up on everything they have missed in each other's life after Alissa moved to London, while my dad and Mr Parker spoke about something related to the stock market and then there was Ethan sitting, his eyes glued to the TV screen. I just sat there  fiddling with my phone unsure what I could possibly do to pass the time.

I had texted Jasmine and Harper earlier on this morning that I had come to meet my mom's friend and I accidentally told them about Ethan.Well not exactly his name but I had told them about the embarrassing encounter with probably one of the most good looking guys I've ever met but as usual like how every good looking guy has to be a jerk, this guy was no exception. 

After the whole pancake situation, neither of us made any effort to talk to the other, although there were some moments where we made eye contact, obviously unintentional. 

Ethan ALWAYS had a smirk plastered on to his face, like how some girls in my school always carry these extremely glossy lip glosses that they reapply every few seconds. 

When I told Harper and Jasmine about Ethan, they FREAKED out. They were so excited and I got like hundred texts in like twenty seconds all of which was questions about him. I wanted to bang my head to a nearby pillar for being that stupid, but I had already embarrassed myself enough for the day. 

Ever since I broke up with Micheal, I've lost hopes that a guy would probably date me for who I am and apart from that I don't think I could handle the situation if it comes up again. I lost a part of myself in the process of being there to satisfy his needs and wants and I don't think there will be anything left of me if this happens again. 

My best friends knew this part of me. They were always there for me. After everything went down with Micheal I thought that would be the end of me, but that wasn't it. If anything, I felt free. I felt like a bird who was let free after keeping it in a cage for so long. However, the rest of the school obviously believed Micheal's part of the story because he was the 'bad boy'. He was the captain of our school's football team and every girl was drooling all over him. Micheal was actually a good guy until he his brain got clogged with his own ego. I knew exactly why my friends were acting this way and this was because Ethan is the first guy after Micheal I cared enough to tell them about including minute details like his eyes and stuff.

I hadn't realized the time was almost nearing to one and I was really hungry. I looked around and noticed Ethan missing (not that I cared but whatever) while my dad was in a heated debate with Mr Parker. I made my way to the kitchen really hoping lunch was ready only to see the ladies were chatting away and there was no food anywhere. 

I spent my time here mainly bored but now I was bored AND hungry, which in turn makes me really frustrated. When Alissa saw me enter, she checked her watch and gasped. Alissa later explained saying the plumber had to be here but he was late and hence we couldn't arrange for lunch. I don't know what surprised me more, lunch not being there or the next statement that left Alissa's mouth. Alissa apparently got this brilliant idea that Ethan and I should pick up lunch for everyone cause that way we might 'get to know each other and that way I could show Ethan around. My mom and Alissa looked at me with pleading eyes to which I replied"yes."

Remember when I told you that peeking into Ethan's room was the worst decision in my life? Well I was wrong. This has to be the WORST decision so far. I really don't want to jinx things any further. Just imagine how awkward it would be in a car with a random person I've not cared enough to speak to in the past few hours though I was sitting right next to him all that while. 

Before I could even say anything else, Ethan came into the kitchen and I was happy to see that he had mirrored my expression when he found out we both had to get food for the rest of them.  Ethan then took the car keys out of his pocket, swung them around his fingers and walked out of the kitchen without even glancing in my direction even once and I just followed him out of the kitchen.

Once we got into the car, he put his seat belt on and drove off with the speed and confidence as if he owned the city and knew every place and the people would bow down to his highness. 

We drove for sometime mainly because it was a one way lane and it extended for one mile or so. 

He glanced towards my direction once or twice and that made me nervous? Why did I feel nervous? He saw me fidgeting with my seat belt and after about twenty seconds he made his presence known by saying, "That nervous around me already?"

I looked at him and tried to gather all the confidence I had and replied"Nope I'm nervous just about you driving, I'd like to live for a few more years you know."

I had barely spoken to this person and considering I had just met him a few hours ago, I don't know why he was having such an impact on me. It's maybe the vibes you get from a person or something, because when I usually meet new people, I'm the most distant person ever. I never try to make conversation no matter now awkward it got. This time it's different and it's killing me because I don't have a reason why.

 To this Ethan glared at me, his smirk returning to his face and said "This is just the beginning."

It was a silent drive after that except when for the times I told him about the route every once in a while. When we finally reached the restaurant, we went inside and ordered stuff for everyone, paid and left the place.

While we were leaving, a very pleasant smell guided my nose towards a bakery nearby and that smell was a little too familiar "Ah banana bread" I exclaimed while Ethan gagged. 

If he doesn't like banana bread, there is no way in hell we can be friends.

We both shared a look, mine comprised of disappointment towards his attitude while his was a sad one but soon changed into an unreadable expression. I couldn't understand what banana bread could possibly do to you apart from you know blessing your mouth.  

The rest of the car drive went silently and the atmosphere of the car had changed from awkward to cold and weird and to be honest, the awkward one was easier to deal with.


Why do you think Ethan's mood changed so quickly?

Could there be something more to the story?

Wait for the next part which will be up soon!

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